Kanye West Refuses To Change Baby’s Diapers – North West’s Neglect Begins?

Hey guess what? Kanye West refuses to change his newborn daughters’ diapers! I know, I’m not surprised either. What does surprise me is the report that he also refuses to leave little North West for more than an hour at a time. Supposedly Yeezy is just so enamored that he can’t stand being away from the baby or Kim Kardashian for very long. That same report straight from US Weekly also says that Kim has a round-the-clock baby nurse.

Now that, I can totally believe! Supposedly she has really bonded with Nori thanks in huge part to breastfeeding. I guess I’ll believe it when I see it. These are two of the most self absorbed celebs around so it’s hard to fathom them even being capable of putting a child before themselves. Stranger things have happened though, right?

Supposedly the tension between Kris Jenner and Kanye has also eased up. Both have been locked in a vicious battle to control Kim’s every move over the last several months. At least for now it sounds like everyone is uniting and pulling together thanks to the new bundle of joy.

My question is this, how long do you think all of this kumbaya-ing will last? Eventually someone will not be in agreement with the general consensus and then what? What happens when Kanye decides to go back to Paris leaving Kim and Nori behind because the newborn can’t fly for 3 months? He needs to promote his album and don’t forget the rapper is scheduled to spend the summer touring. How will Kim cope when he’s gone and at that point she’ll no doubt go back to doing whatever Kris says because Kanye won’t be there to argue.

How long before this blissful family turns into a public mess? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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