OJ Simpson New Trial – Getting Fat, Old, And Grey In Prison

OJ Simpson New Trial - Getting Fat, Old, And Grey In PrisonOJ Simpson New Trial - Getting Fat, Old, And Grey In Prison

It’s been several years since OJ Simpson went to jail, but according to reports, prison is definitely not treating him well [I should certainly hope not].

According to reports, OJ was in court in Las Vegas May 13 to attempt for a re-trial in his armed robbery case. He claims that his old lawyer provided ‘inadequate representation’, and so he wants on a new lawyer on those grounds. Really, he should be saying that he wants a new trial because he looks like a walking heart attack and could die any minute.

Really, what are they feeding him over there? Isn’t prison supposed to be a punishment? From his pictures in court, it looks like he’s gained about 50 pounds since we last saw him. It’s kind of pathetic that as people starve in the US, murderers, robbers, and other convicts get enough food to become fat.

OJ Simpson New Trial - Getting Fat, Old, And Grey In PrisonOJ Simpson New Trial - Getting Fat, Old, And Grey In Prison

The differences in the man who sat trial in 1995 and the man who was in court today are drastic. In addition to the weight he’s put on, OJ’s hair has started graying and thinning and he looks significantly older.

If he does get a new trial, the chances of him getting off are slim to none. Although he was never convicted of murder, he was convicted of armed robbery, kidnapping, and ten other charges. He’s serving 9-33 years in prison, and while he may get time off for ‘good behavior’, his sentence is unlikely to get reduced.

Do you guys think he should be given a new trial? Is it surprising that he’s gained so much weight? Do you believe that the guilty should be given more severe sentences that what OJ has been facing? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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Siyana Riley:
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