Pawn Stars Olivia Black Fired Unjustly Because Of Nude Scandal, Advised To Sue (AUDIO)

Pawn Stars Olivia Black Fired Unjustly Because Of Nude Scandal, Advised To SuePawn Stars Olivia Black Fired Unjustly Because Of Nude Scandal, Advised To Sue

Anyone who watches Pawn Stars will instantly recognize the name Olivia Black. As one of the only people asked to join the original group, she was one of the few members of the cast that was instantly recognizable wherever she went.

Olivia worked the night shift with Chumlee most of the time, and everything was fine until the producers found out about some nude pictures of her circulating around the Internet. According to Olivia’s rep, “This intolerance for online nude photos seems to be only subjected to female television personalities and because of that Olivia’s has been advised to sue the production company for discrimination.” 

After the producers found about her nude photos, Olivia’s rep claims that Olivia started to feel the distance between them. Her rep says, “While getting ready for the night shift one day, Olivia received a phone call at her house from Leftfield Pictures and with no further explanation they informed her she will no longer be on Pawn Stars. Olivia has missed seeing her fans from Pawn Stars as much as they’ve missed seeing her. Her firing was abrupt and unfortunate and I think the public deserves more answers. Olivia is ready to address this situation and she will still be moving forward with her national tour.” 

Well, for now, she’s pursuing both her national tour and another reality show. Obviously, while this may have provided some publicity for her upcoming tour, it’s true that her getting fired is discrimination. On the one hand, the producers of Pawn Stars may not have wanted a nude scandal to tarnish the reputation of the show. But on the other hand – A) they should have done their research before hiring her, and B) oftentimes, especially with reality and television stars, females seem to get hit harder with nude scandals than men, and that’s just not fair.

What do you guys think about Olivia getting fired? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Siyana Riley:
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