Orlando Bloom Admits He Cheated With Condola Rashad – Brags About It On TV! (VIDEO)

Orlando Bloom Leaves His Broadway ShowOrlando Bloom Leaves His Broadway Show

In a pre-taped interview with Live With Kelly And Michael, Orlando Bloom made no mention of his separation from Miranda Kerr – in fact he didn’t mention her at all. However he did quite a bit of gushing over how much he loves snogging Condola Rashad – the Juliet to his Romeo in the Broadway play he is currently starring in, and even found time to playfully flirt with Kelly Ripa.

While explaining to Kelly and Michael that snogging is a, “British term for a smooch, or you know, a good, long kiss. A proper, get in there,” Orlando looked at Kelly and said, “Love to show you,” to which she replied, “Oh my God! …We have to take an emergency commercial break!” To which her co-host Michael joked, “no we don’t.”

Orlando seemed in especially high spirits for a man whose marriage is ending, in part because of the solace he has found in his friendship with Romeo & Julie co-star Condola, who he admits he loves to kiss. On the show Orlando said that during their Broadway performance he and Condola, “… sometimes get applause after our first kiss because it just goes on,” adding that “Sometimes I’m like, I’m not letting go.”

Another reason Orlando doesn’t look like a broken man is that he and Miranda have actually been separated for quite a while now, which has given him time to adjust to life without her. It also appears their separation was a long time coming. The public first got wind of the demise of their relationship last December when Miranda was spotted getting cozy with Orlando’s friend Leonardo DiCaprio. Rumors began to swirl that Miranda and Leo were hooking up, a claim that Miranda adamantly denied. In retrospect we see that this was probably the beginning of the end.

But not to worry these two seem to moving on just fine. Miranda is busy partying and posting endless selfies of herself on Instagram, and as for Orlando I suspect that he is finding that despite any pain their split has caused him, life is a much happier place when you don’t have to worry about your wife sleeping with your friends. Happier for Orlando maybe, but what about his tiny son? As usual with self-centered Hollywood people, the children pay the price for their parents’ inability to behave decently – in this case little Flynn is the victim. Why do these people insist on procreating when they are constitutionally incapable of holding a family together?

Julie Zelko:
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