It looks like A&E may have jumped the gun by lifting Phil Robertson’s suspension from Duck Dynasty, because Phil is now facing much more serious accusations. A lot of people were not impressed when A&E lifted Phil’s suspension, especially the Liberal Group “Americans Against The Tea Party.” The AATTP has launched a full-on smear campaign against Phil Robertson, and are accusing him of being a pedophile. Yikes! That is a serious accusation!
A video has surfaced of Phil giving a speech in Georgia back in 2009 at the Sportsmen’s Ministry. In the video Phil states, “Look, you wait ‘til they get to be twenty years-old and the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they’re about fifteen or sixteen and they’ll pick your ducks.”
At no point is Phil encouraging fifty year old men to go marry fifteen year old girls. He is simply stating that when couples marry younger, they have a better chance of staying together. Whether Phil’s logic is right or wrong, is a whole different argument. But, nothing he said is grounds for him to be called a pedophile. That is a serious accusation. Accusing a man of being a pedophile can have serious consequences. Pedophiles are adults that violate and sexually abuse young children, if you are going to accuse someone of that, you better have some proof. A video of Phil Robertson stating that he believes in tying the knot when you are young, is not grounds for being called a pedophile.
Do you think the accusations against Phil have merit? Or is the AATTP just bitter that his suspension was lifted and intentionally slandering the Duck Dynasty star?