Pippi Longstocking Sex Tape Theft: Tami Erin Trying To Shut Down Sale by Porn Site

Pippi Longstocking Sex Tape Theft: Tami Erin Trying To Shut Down Sale by Porn Site

Pippi Longstocking star Tami Erin is desperately trying to prevent her sex tape from hitting the market in multiple platforms, according to a new report from Radar Online.

Erin, who is now 39 years old, has hired lawyers to get the website ‘pippilongstockingsextape.com’ removed from the Internet since the creators of the site don’t have the rights to her sex tape. Erin explained, “The attorneys are taking care of it. Zero Tolerance Entertainment owns all video and photo rights.”

Apparently, Erin’s not the only person interested in getting the site shut down. Columbia Pictures, which still owns the right to the character of Pippi Longstocking, is also interested in getting the site decommissioned, especially since it might tarnish the brand name of the character.

The video already hit the net last week, and although Erin was initially against its release, she reportedly finally made the deal with Zero Tolerance Entertainment after realizing that it could help revitalize her stagnating career. She explained, “I’m happy I took control of the situation and made a decision as a strong independent woman. I love who I am and I love my sexuality… I’ve seen the sex tape now and it’s hot.”

However, even if she’s trying to shut down the Pippi Longstocking website, the owner of the site has stated that he refuses to take it down. He explained, “She may try, but she won’t get it. People love that site and her video… We have been visited by millions already.”

It’ll be interesting to see what happens, but considering that the video’s already hit the Internet, I don’t think Erin will manage to prevent it from being unofficially distributed on various websites and platforms. But hey, maybe it will help her career – it certainly didn’t hurt Kim Kardashian.