Porsha Stewart & Kordell Stewart Divorce Cause: Failure To Obey The Control Freak

I’ve watched this entire season of The Real Housewive’s of Atlanta and will be the first to admit that I thought Kordell Stewart is a ridiculous control freak. He freely admitted that he believed his wife Porsha Stewart belonged at home all day in their huge home cooking and cleaning. She has referred to herself as a “black trophy wife” but what I saw was more like Cinderella. Kordell never exactly seemed warm and fuzzy but I didn’t realize just how cold he actually is!

According to Porsha’s rep, she found out that her husband of under two years filed for divorce last Friday, through the media! I mean, there’s blind sighted and then there’s that!  Two days later Kordell stepped up publicly with his ex and baby mama, Tonia Richardson which I’m sure sent one heck of a message to Porsha too.

What prompted this ex NFL guy to make such a cold move? Apparently he liked Cinderella Porsha, but not RHOA Porsha. That wife decided that she could and should have a real career as well as a baby. That chick wanted him to lift up his thumb just a little so that she could at least poke her head out from under it and at least see the real world. According to a source close to the couple told Hollywood Life,

Porsha has dreams and ambition, but her man was just too damn controlling and wanted her home all the time, cooking and cleaning and doing chores. Porsha is a cool girl, don’t get me wrong, but she shouldn’t have let these other rich girls get in her ear about her marriage. If she didn’t, she’d still have a man,”

It seems that the couple may have already been taking some time apart but Porsha was under the idea that they were working together to try and fix things. What she didn’t realize is that in Kordell’s world it’s his way or no way. The fact that she wasn’t obeying was grounds for divorce, in his mind!

Is Porsha better off without this control freak? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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