Prince Charles Causes Controversy When He Warns Villagers He Owns Their Land

Prince Charles Causes Controversy When He Warns Villagers He Own Their LandPrince Charles Causes Controversy When He Warns Villagers He Own Their Land

At this point, is anyone ever surprised when Prince Charles commits another faux-paus? According to reports, Cornwall villagers have been transported back in time to a feudal place and time where royalty apparently has all the rights to their land. Prince Charles is reportedly reinstating a 600+ year old claim on the land beneath the villagers’ houses, effectively telling them that they never owned the land in the first place. In the letter from the Duchy of Cornwall, Charles states that because of this ancient rule, he has the rights to mine beneath their homes, throwing all these villagers out onto the street.

I mean, this shouldn’t be illegal. This isn’t based on current laws or traditions, but ancient rules that existed in the feudal ages. Why is it fair to all these poor villagers that just because they’re not really in a position to fight back, they’re taken advantage of? How could Charles possibly be considering ridding an entire village of their homes because he wants to mine the land? It’s not even the government doing this, which would still suck but might contain some hint of legitimacy. I’m pretty sure everyone in England and even abroad considers the royals just figureheads and not anybody that can affect real change.

Of course, the residents of the village are not taking this lying down. One such resident told the Telegraph, “When we purchased the property I examined the deeds. Nowhere does it mention that Prince Charles has the mining and mineral rights in or under our homes…This is nothing more than bully tactics and has been done to ensure that the Duchy gets what it wants.”

Well, of course it doesn’t mention it on the deed – the damn rule doesn’t exist in today’s world. It’s an ancient tradition that Charles is bringing up now because it suits him. And of course, as privileged as he is, he has no idea what it’s like being refused when he really wants something. Hopefully, he finally learns.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Siyana Riley:
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