Prince George’s birth nearly two weeks ago was the happiest day in British history for decades. A new royal heir is obviously a huge deal but having him born to a couple like Kate Middleton and Prince William, that is beloved by the British people made the whole thing just that much sweeter. As grandparents hightailed it to St. Mary’s Hospital, the loss of Princess Diana was truly felt by everyone. To have evil step-mother Camilla Parker-Bowles there instead of his dear mother had to have been a bitter pill for William to choke down.
According to the Aug. 12th print edition of GLOBE, shortly after Prince George was born William and a body guard made the 70 mile trip to Althorp where Princess Diana is buried on an island in the middle of a lake, known as The Oval. There is always a rowboat waiting for William whenever he needs to spend time with his mother and once on the island a special chair sits near her grave so that he can spend as much time as necessary talking to Diana.
On this visit he brought her one of Georgie’s first photos and a single pink rose, her favorite. When Diana died 16 years ago William had privately vowed to share his children’s lives with her when they arrived years later. On this visit he told him mom about Georgie’s delivery and how amazing Kate is and he swore that their children will be raised as normally as possible, just as he and Harry were raised. William dropped a lot of tears as he laid out his 5 year plan with Kate and swore to bring his son back to meet Diana just as soon as he was big enough.
William has said that as of now, his biggest regret in life is that his mother will never be able to hold George, and it just makes him realize how she really did die way too young. I love that William is allowed to make these visits in peace. It just goes to show you, if a celeb is serious about wanting to lead a private, normal life the press does respect it. Tell us your thoughts on William’s visit in the comments below!