Princess Diana Honored By Kate Middleton and Prince William at George’s Royal Christening

Prince George‘s royal christening was markedly different from Prince William‘s christening, all those years back. For one, it was a lot more intimate and a lot less crowded, and it really could have been any other family, if you forgot the fact that they were royals.

Also, both Prince William and Kate Middleton had a lot more say in Prince George’s christening that Princess Diana had during Prince William’s christening. For one, it was William’s decision to honor Diana during the Christening, thereby holding the important event at St. James chapel. There’s also the fact that Will and Kate chose one of Diana’s closest friends and confidantes as a godparent to George, something Diana was never given the choice to make.

In Diana’s case, all her decisions – from where to hold the Christening, who to invite, and who the godparents to her children would be – were made by the royals. She had startlingly little input in her first born’s christening, and considering that it was held at the palace, there were royal protocols and procedures to be followed that she had absolutely no say in.

I do think that a large part of William’s and Kate’s desire to raise George in a different way is that they want to give him the sort of normal childhood that neither William nor Harry managed to experience. I also think Will wants Kate to feel like she’s involved in the decision-making process, something Prince Charles never bothered to do with Diana. Obviously, their relationship ended on a sour note, and it’s not hard to see why.

What do you guys think about the differences in the way William and Kate are raising George, and the way Diana was forced to raise William and Harry? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Siyana Riley:
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