Queen Elizabeth Shows Her Disgust With Prince Harry – Royal Snub And Grandson Banished To Former Penal Colony!

Queen Elizabeth Shows Her Disgust With Prince Harry – Royal Snub And Grandson Banished To Former Penal Colony!Queen Elizabeth Shows Her Disgust With Prince Harry – Royal Snub And Grandson Banished To Former Penal Colony!

Prince Harry will do as Queen Elizabeth says. We already reported that Her Highness has unofficially sent Prince Harry to Antarctica on a charity mission – even though officially it was all Harry’s idea. For those harping on about him being interested in charity – we don’t disagree with you. But we do say that if Harry had his choice of where he goes on his time off, he would end up back in Vegas and probably buck naked on the cover of another tabloid.

Now, it’s being reported that in addition to the South Pole [which will only be for a month or so], the Queen [allegedly] has decided to send Prince Harry to Australia for six months on secondment with the Australian army. Australia has retained the Queen as the head of state, and it remains a part of the Commonwealth, which makes it perfect for the Queen to send her grandson there. Although the Royal spokesperson denies these plans, I wouldn’t take that too seriously considering that they have the deny button on autopilot.

Now, all of that is rumor. However, one thing that is NOT rumor is the fact that Harry got passed over for elevation to the Order of the Garter, a fellowship that his brother belongs to. Why? Well, according to sources, it’s because Harry can’t behave himself around the ladies and he brought ‘disrepute’ to the Monarchy with his naked shenanigans.

Queen Elizabeth Shows Her Disgust With Prince Harry – Royal Snub And Grandson Banished To Former Penal Colony!Queen Elizabeth Shows Her Disgust With Prince Harry – Royal Snub And Grandson Banished To Former Penal Colony!

The Order of the Garter is exclusive and is considered one of the highest honors in the country, much like getting knighted, but even more elite. So far, the only members that belong to it are the Queen [duh!], certain members of the Royal family, the Prince of Wales, and 24 Knight Companions. Out of the Royal family, Prince Harry is pretty much the only one who doesn’t belong to it. Do you think he was upset when he found out that he hadn’t been added yet? Regardless, the Queen is no doubt punishing him for his behavior, and also the fact that he’s not his brother. But I think the Queen should realize that he never will be, and be thankful that Will was the elder son, not Harry.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet and The Sun

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