Reese Witherspoon An Alcoholic – Drinking To Cope With Stress Of Parents Divorce

Reese Witherspoon An Alcoholic – Drinking To Cope With Stress Of Parents Divorce

The tabloids have been having a field day with this Reese Witherspoon arrest story. As we all know, Reese and her husband Jim Toth [a CAA agent] got pulled over after drinking and driving, and Reese got all haughty with a police officer and it was soon national [and international] news. Why was it such a big deal? Well, because everyone though that Reese was the nicest, most angelic celebrity in Hollywood and there’s no way she would be drunk and yelling at the police, right? Well, they were wrong.

Hollywood Hiccups Learned WHY Reese Lost It Over Her Parents Divorce – And It’s NOTHING NICE – CLICK HERE To See What It Is!

Now, the National Enquirer is trying to spin a story about how Reese is an alcoholic, and how she turned to drinking to deal with the stress of her parents’ divorce and their constant fighting. Uh….ok. Usually, I love tabloid reports, but this doesn’t make any sense. It almost seems like the Enquirer is making excuses for Reese – which, come on. Reese and her husband had a night out on the town and got drunk – plain and simple. Maybe a taxi wasn’t available, maybe they didn’t want to pay the money, but for whatever reason, they thought it would be ok to drive drunk on a highway and endanger people’s lives. There’s no excuse for that. There’s even less of an excuse when a police officer pulled them over and instead of staying quiet and realizing that they were wrong and had it coming to them, Reese, being hammered, decides to yell at the officer and threaten him. If anything, I’m surprised the officer didn’t put them in jail longer without bail.

Besides which, drunkenness doesn’t excuse her behavior. She messed up, and while she apologized, this isn’t going away any time soon.

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