Robert Pattinson Breaks Up With Kristen Stewart If He Takes Vince Vaughn’s Advice

Did you know that Vince Vaughn and Robert Pattinson are friends? Me neither, but apparently the two connected recently in L.A. To discuss a future work venture and they really hit it off. It looks like a true bromance has blossomed with them also inviting Joaquin Phoenix out with them for some fun. It seems that Rob has felt comfortable enough with Vince to discuss his love life and the two have spent quality time discussing the trampire.

According to the April 29th print edition of National Enquirer, Vince suggested that when a woman cheats on you in the middle of a long term relationship, well, it might be time to end things. Vince is also more than fifteen years older than Rob and he stated the obvious – he doesn’t need to settle down and make things so serious just yet. He should be enjoying the fact that he is young and wealthy, surrounded by tons of Hollywood hotties.

Sources close to Rob say that he really appreciates Vince’s insight but is still the kind of guy that makes his own decisions and does what he believes is best for himself. As of now that seems to mean giving things yet another spin with Kristen Stewart. After two months apart while Rob filmed in Australia, the on/off couple reconnected soon after his return and seem to be doing okay.

Should Rob take Vince’s advice and enjoy his freedom while he still has it or should he beat that dead horse and sink more time and energy into life with Kristen? Will they ever end up married? Do you think that they’ve really put the bad stuff behind them, has Rob really forgiven her? ? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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