Robert Pattinson’s Sexy New Workout Buddy — New Girlfriend? Meet Her Here! (PHOTO)

Robert Pattinson's Sexy New Workout Buddy -- New Girlfriend? Meet Her Here! (PHOTO)Robert Pattinson's Sexy New Workout Buddy -- New Girlfriend? Meet Her Here! (PHOTO)

Has Robert Pattinson finally moved on from Kristen Stewart? Maybe, just maybe. In preparation for his new movie Blacklist: Mission, Robert has been working out like a madman — but he hasn’t been doing his activities alone. RPattz has been working out alongside a young woman, whose identity is still sort of a mystery, and people are beginning to believe that the young actor is finally branching out and away from KStew.

Reportedly, Robert is ready to find a girlfriend and, according to those close to him, the actor doesn’t necessarily hang around (not this much, anyway) with girls he’s not dating — or, at least, very interested in. They’ve also allegedly been seen together while at parties, but nobody could identify her as any name in Hollywood.

The brunette was spotted with a flowing ponytail, black capris, and a black tanktop. Now, we’re not sure who exactly this girl is, but we’re just going to throw this out there . . . . Don’t you think it could possibly be a trainer of some sort? We’re definitely not saying that’s who this girl is, or even that that’s the most likely scenario, but we have to consider all our options here, folks!

“Rob rarely hangs out with a girl he’s not dating. He keeps to himself,” a photog told the X-17. “So the fact they left in the car together definitely means something. Rob’s all over the place right now — he’s trying to replace Kristen and he’s going out a lot of widening his circle of friends. He wants to find a girlfriend.” 

Here’s a photo of Robert Pattinson’s new girlfriend (allegedly), so let us know what you think! Is Kristen finally getting out of his mind for good?

Image credit to FameFlynet

Nicholas Sanford:
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