Robert Pattinson Shoves Security Guard Video – Looks Drunk and Stoned Leaving Troubadour Nightclub (PHOTOS)

Robert Pattinson Shoves Security Guard Video - Drunk and Stoned Leaving Troubadour Nightclub (PHOTOS)Robert Pattinson Shoves Security Guard Video - Drunk and Stoned Leaving Troubadour Nightclub (PHOTOS)

I guess it’s not easy having cameras shoved in your face all the time and it has to be hard to navigate through the paparazzi’s waters when you are an A-lister. Robert Pattinson had a hell of a time exiting the Troubadour late Friday as he was swarmed with paps and the clubs security all at once. According to video obtained by TMZ Rob finally got sick of being surrounded and grabbed a dude by his face before shoving him out of the way. The problem? This guy was actually a security guard trying to help him get swiftly to the waiting car.

It’s pretty clear from the video that Rob made a mistake and after climbing in he looks embarrassed by the whole ordeal. He also looks pretty blitzed, doesn’t he? I mean there’s having a few drinks and then there is annihilated which looks to be Rob’s situation. He’s only a drink or two from needing help out of the club I think but the real question is what the hell happened?

Rob has been through the real ringer thanks to Kristen Stewart’s Trampire activities and even then he never took half a step out of line, so why do it now? Is he still stuck circling with Kristen or does another lovely lady have him all twisted up now? Rob isn’t known for his temper so something was already bothering him before he acted out. There have been numerous occasions where Rob is surrounded and he has always remained in control, so what made him snap? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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