Ryan Seacrest Has Crush On Selena Gomez, Will They Start Dating?

Ryan Seacrest Has Crush On Selena Gomez, Will They Start Dating?Ryan Seacrest Has Crush On Selena Gomez, Will They Start Dating?

Ryan Seacrest and Selena Gomez. Now, there’s a couple that will make your stomach turn over. They are both good looking and successful people and they’ve always had an easy vibe going whenever Selena comes to interview on Ryan’s radio show – BUT they have an 18 year age difference, and even in Hollywood, that’s pushing it.

Ryan just broke up with his longtime girlfriend Julianne Hough and Selena just broke up with the one and only Justin Bieber. Understandably, tabloids are desperate to hook up these two, but putting them together just seems to be a stretch.

The National Enquirer [yes, we know] reports that Ryan Seacrest “told pals he’d love to ask Selena for a date. Ryan thinks they would have a great time together.”

Apparently, the source adds that Ryan “hinted to Selena’s people that he’s interested, hoping to sidestep the embarrassment of asking her directly and being shot down. I’m sure that if Selena’s pals tell Ryan she’d go out with him, she’ll be getting a call.”

So according to this story, Ryan is desperate to date Selena because… he thinks they would have a great time together. Right. Of course, Ryan and Selena have been friends for years, so I guess he’s only thinking this now because he’s single? The tabloids seem to be insinuating that Ryan’s and Selena’s most recent sit-down is the reason that Ryan has realized his attraction. Which, by the way, total ew.

It wouldn’t make sense from an image perspective – both of their images are strictly controlled by publicists, and dating each other would just bring on a load of backlash. It also doesn’t work from a pure chemistry perspective. Generally speaking, you can tell when there’s sexual chemistry between two people, and the relationship between Ryan and Selena has always seemed older brother/little sister. Let us know whether you think the tabloids are reaching or whether there could be something between Ryan and Selena.

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Siyana Riley:
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