You know the saying, your face may not show your age, but your hands always will. You don’t need to look further than Sarah Jessica Parker to see the truth in that. Actually, a better example would be Madonna, but the story’s about Sarah, so we’re sticking with her.
SJP has gotten plastic surgery for her face – nothing extreme, but procedures that have managed to slow down signs of aging. And it’s worked – while she’s not the most attractive actress by conventional Hollywood standards, she doesn’t look her 48 years.
Now, a new report from Star Magazine states that Sarah wants to get plastic surgery for her ‘zombie hands’. A source close to Sarah supposedly told Star, “Sarah didn’t realize how bad her hands were until a friend pointed them out. She’s been freaking out ever since and looking into procedures to make them look younger and less veiny. She’s even stopped having her nails done so less attention would be drawn to her hands.”
Of course, there’s a lot you can do to fix veiny and wrinkly hands, but I think the bigger issue at the center of this is why do people even care? Let the lady fix her hands if she wants to. At least she’s not like Madonna and wearing gloves to cover up her hands. If done in moderation, I don’t see how this would affect her or anyone else. Besides which, most celebrities don’t even care about their hands – their hands aren’t under constant scrutiny like their bodies and faces are. Everyone knows how old SJP is, and plasticizing her hands isn’t going to change that nor help her get more acting jobs.
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