Scott Disick To Take DNA Test To Prove Mason Is His Son – Kourtney Kardashian Has Doubts!

Scott Disick To Take DNA Test To Prove Mason Is His Son - Kourtney Kardashian Has Doubts!

So the latest story from OK! Magazine claims that Scott Disick has agreed to take a paternity test to prove that he’s the father of Kourtney Kardashian’s son, Mason. If you’ve been following this whole debacle, you’ll know that Michael Girgenti, Kourtney’s supposed ex, has been claiming that Mason is the result of a one night stand between him and Kourtney several years ago. Michael issued a challenge to Scott to take a paternity test and prove that he’s Mason’s son.

Now, a source tells OK! that Scott is apparently determined to take the test. This source, who claims to be a family member, supposedly told OK!, “Of course, Scott will take a DNA test, just to quiet the doubters.” This family member also added, “I don’t like what this is going to do to our family. I hope to god it doesn’t go to court.”


Ok, you had me until this family member ‘hoped’ the case didn’t go to court. If you know anything about the Kardashians at all, you will know they thrive on any bit of publicity, especially the amount that a court case would get them. Also, considering that Kim Kardashian is already involved in a court case, and other members of the family have been before as well, there is absolutely nothing this kind of court case would do to the family that hasn’t been done before. Besides, this court case would probably paint the Kardashians as winners, which is even better for them.

Let’s be real here – no one legitimately doubts that Scott is actually Mason’s father. For one thing, Mr. Girgenti’s claims have giant, gaping plot holes in them. For another, this sort of scandal is exactly the kind of the thing that keeps the Kardashian name in the news and makes the family look sympathetic, and it wouldn’t be surprising at all to hear that Michael was paid off to make these ridiculous claims. Even if he wasn’t, and he’s just another golddigger out for fifteen minutes of fame – it won’t make any difference. Scott might well end up taking the DNA test – but it wouldn’t be to ‘quiet’ the doubters, it would be to stretch out this ridiculous saga as long as possible.

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Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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