Selena Gomez Let Justin Bieber Kiss Her Cheek Backstage At Billboard Awards: True Love or Cynical Photo Op?

Of course Selena Gomez rushed to cheer up her supposed ex. For some unknown reason Justin Beieber is like drugs to the young starlet.

Selena Gomex had previously stated the two were finished and she was finally single. She said this last week yet in the last two days that have been numerous couple outings for the duo. You can’t even say she wanted to cheer him up after Justin booed onstage. She specifically wore that white dress to grab his interest. So she was going to make her move no matter what. Justin’s low self esteem that night just helped moved things along.

The infamous on-again off-again couple were already heading towards a reconciliation.  There were reports Justin went to visit Selena at her rehearsals. Also they went to see a Cirque du Soleil show while in Las Vegas for the awards.  All combined means more than friendly. They’re unfortunately back together.

They used to be good together. More likable to say the least. Now two self-destructive people together is only interesting for entertainment value. It’s looking like they tried to downplay their reconciliation until they got backstage. Where Selena then gave Justin a very tender kiss on the cheek. Yet here’s the intriguing part. Once the couple noticed the cameras Justin tried to hide his face but Selena didn’t. She actually printed the photo above herself later on Instagram.

What’s up with that? Has Selena been toying with Justin for publicity? If they’re truly back together, it sure as hell isn’t liked by her closest friends. Taylor Swift had an “eww” face after witnessing the kiss backstage. Justin believes they’re back together enough to follow her around but what do you think? Did Selena cheer Justin up only for a photo op?

Kristine Francis:
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