Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Together In Norway – Couple Make Up, Back In Love

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber to be reunited? Selena has hopped on a flight to Norway and according to sources, she’s gone to hook up with Justin Bieber.

Selena was spotted arriving in Oslo, and since Oslo isn’t really the type of place that Selena would frequent just for for fun, there can really only be one explanation as to why she’s there: to see Justin. Apparently, she was spotted at the airport just when JB was said to be going on stage to perform his show. According to TMZ, Justin’s beliebers have been gossiping all day about a possible meeting between Justin and Selena since Selena was spotted on a plane from LA to Oslo.

Now, we were under the impression that Selena was over Justin. After all, she’s been making fun of him on talk shows, saying she’s single, and pretty much acting like she’s done with him. However, conflicting reports say that Justin has been confused and ‘tortured’ because Selena has been sending him mixed signals, and he’s not able to really move on because of that. They haven’t completely cut ties, and apparently they’ve been seeing each other every so often since their breakup.

So one of two things is happening; either Selena’s been using Justin for sex while she’s looking for a new boyfriend. Or Justin’s been begging Selena to get back together, and she’s been throwing him a bone every now and then. While I’m more inclined to believe the latter, it’s possible that the former is true as well. It’s just that it’s hard to believe that she would be interested in getting back together with Justin when she’s seemed so completely over him in the last few months. So we’re calling this for what it is – a booty call. An international booty call, but a booty call nonetheless.

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Siyana Riley:
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