Selena Gomez Revenge On Justin Bieber – Sex With His Best Friends?


When Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez first hit a rough patch, we thought they could break up in a mature, respectful, and amicable way. We were wrong! The two couldn’t leave their dead romance alone, and kept trying to work it out, despite his unfaithful behavior and drug use. Now, the break up is ugly and both parties want ultimate revenge on the other. Selena has definitely come out on top, now that Justin’s reputation is in the toilet after his drug scandals and faux punk rebel gangsta act. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that, when forced to choose, all of their friends have sided with Selena!

After the split, Selena told friends that they’d have to drop Justin entirely, or she’d cut them out of her life! “Selena proved true to her word when The Biebs gave one of their female pals tickets and backstage passes to his concert,” a source reported to National Enquirer, print edition March 11, 2013. “The girl decided to attend with some mutual buds, but when Selena heard about it, she ordered the ‘traitor’ to trash the tix or they’d ALL be permanently de-friended!”

Selena’s threat worked, and the girl skipped the concert! This is only the beginning though—Selena is well established as a fundamentally nice girl, who pushes boundaries a little, but is definitely on the good end of the ex-Disney starlet spectrum! But her good-girl image won’t keep her from ruining Justin’s life entirely. We’ve already heard that she’s casually dating his friends to make Justin jealous and paranoid, and since she’s been in the studio recording new music, we expect her to take a leaf out of bestie Taylor Swift’s book and write the ultimate revenge song! Do you think Selena can gracefully destroy Justin, or will she stop just after total humiliation and career-icide?

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