Tonight on NBC SIBERIA continues with a new episode called, “Strange Bedfellows.” On tonight’s show they find unsettling evidence of strange and deadly experiments that have been conducted there and may well be ongoing with them as the subjects. Did you watch last week’s episode? We did and we recapped it for you, right here.
On last week’s show (Joyce Giraud), Daniel (Daniel David Sutton), Sam (Sam Dobbins)and Johnny (Johnny Wactor) looked for power at the research station and made a horrifying and grisly discovery. Meanwhile back at the cabins, one of the missing contestants returned with a story that shocked Sabina (Sabina Akhmedova) and Neeko (Neeko O.J. Skervin) and forced them to take defensive action, including a renewed search for the missing rifle. The distance and separation between the groups became more stark as the settlers faced starvation and attacks by unseen forces, while the group at the research station enjoyed relative comfort and learned more about the mysterious history of the Siberian wilderness.
On tonight’s show Neeko (Neeko O.J. Skervin), Miljan (Miljan Milosevic) and Sabina (Sabina Akhmedova) are abducted by a hostile local tribe and fearing for their lives make a surprising discovery at natives’ camp. Meanwhile, Joyce (Joyce Giraud), Sam (Sam Dobbins), Johnny (John Wactor) and Daniel (Daniel David Sutton) are desperate to find a way to communicate with the world outside the research station and in the process find unsettling evidence of strange and deadly experiments that have been conducted there and may well be ongoing with them as the subjects. Also starring Esther Anderson, Irene Yee, Anne-Marie Mueschke.
Tonight’s episode 10 of Siberia is going to be an exciting one that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of NBC’s Siberia at 10 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you think of Siberia season 1.