Survivor: Blood vs. Water RECAP 12/15/13: Season 27 Finale “It’s My Night”

Tonight on CBS their Emmy Award-winning series SURVIVOR continues with another new episode called, “It’s My Night.” On tonight’s show the final three castaways face a harsh jury and the winner of Survivor is announced. Did you watch last week’s episode? We did and if you want to catch up we have a full and detailed recap, right here.

On last week’s show loved ones faced off at Redemption Island for their final shot in the game. Meanwhile, castaways had to test their knowledge of Survivor for immunity, and a heated tribal council could force a swing vote to exercise their power.  At tribal council Jeff asked if anyone wanted to play a hidden immunity idol. Tyson hung onto it. The votes were: Hayden, Gervase, Hayden, Gervase and the final vote is Hayden. It’s official – Monica was an idiot for sticking with Gervase and Hayden. She’s going to regret this on playback just like Ciera said.  Hayden headed off to Redemption and Katie wished him a fond farewell. Jeff told them it’s clear that Ciera is on the outside and there’s a tight alliance of three. Jeff said when the Redemption person comes back it will be huge and could shake things up.

On tonight’s show it’s do or die as castaways battle at the final Redemption and the final three castaways face a harsh jury at an emotional tribal council.  After 39 grueling days, one castaway will be crowned the Sole Survivor and awarded $1 million on a special two-hour season finale.  The show will be  followed by a one-hour live reunion show hosted by Jeff Probst.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s Survivor: Blood vs Water at 8:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the return of Survivor?  Who are you rooting for?

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Tonight’s season finale of Survivor starts off with a quick recap of the “Blood vs. Water” season.  Gervase, Monica, Tyson, Ciera and one player from Redemption Island (either Tina, Hayden or Laura,) will be battling it out.

The remaining four players are returning to Kasama after Hayden’s eviction to Redemption Island.  Ciera is hoping that her Mom will be returning from Redemption Island.  Tyson is banking on taking Monica and Gervase to the Final 3.  He shows Monica the Immunity Idol to secure an alliance with her.  Monica doesn’t plan on being their “lap dog” though, she plans on keeping her alliance with them and building one with whoever returns from Redemption Island tomorrow.

Hayden is arriving at Redemption Island, Tina and Laura are surprised to see him.  He reveals to them that Ciera won the championship.  Hayden confesses that “If it’s Tyson, Gervase, and Monica at the end, he is going to vote for Jeff Probst.”  The Redemption Island players receive an invitation for the “final duel.” 

Tina, Laura, and Hayden arrive at Redemption Island Arena.  Jeff introduces the competition.  They must balance with one foot on the ground and one foot on a balancing board, which holds a vase up in the air.  When their foot slips, the balance board will drop the vase, and it will shatter.  The first two contestants to shatter their vases will be added to the jury, and the last contestant standing will return to Kasama to compete for the grand prize.  Hayden drops his case first, he is the 5th member of the jury.  Tina and Laura remain, Laura is begging Tina to throw the competition, but she refuses.  Laura’s vase drops, she is the 6th member of the jury.  Tina wins her first duel and will return to Kasama Island to compete for the grand prize.

Tina, Monica, Gervase, Tyson, and Ceira return to Kasama.  Tina has her sights set on finding the Idol, she enlists the help of Ceira.  Little do they know Tyson found the Idol weeks ago, and has been holding on to it.

Tina and Ceira pay Monica a visit.  Tina confesses to Monica that if she goes all the way the “jury will be ugly.”  Ceira tries to make an alliance with herself and Tina sound like a strategic game move.  Ceira thinks that if Monica joins forces with them the jury will respect her more for making a big move.

The final five contestants join Jeff for the Immunity Challenge.  They will have to pull on a rope attached to a table, and keep the table level while they stack blocks on it.  If the blocks topple over they have to start over.  The first contestant to stack all of the blocks wins the Immunity Challenge.  Tyson wins the Immunity Challenge and a guaranteed spot in the Final Four.

After the Immunity Challenge Monica, Gervase, and Tyson begin debating who they will vote out.  Monica is pushing to vote Tina out, because she has no enemies on the jury.  Gervase wants to vote out Ciera.  He thinks she is a bigger threat than Tina, because she had the audacity to vote out her own Mom.  Gervase and Monica get in an argument over who should go home.  Monica heads back to camp, and discusses tribal council with Tina and Ciera.  Monica realizes she has all of the power in her hands, and she is contemplating making a major move and voting out Gervase.

Tyson, Gervase, Monica, Tina, and Ciera head to Tribal Council.  Monica reveals at Tribal Council that Ciera and Tina want to form an alliance with her.  Ciera also reminds Monica that Tyson has called her a “lap dog” in the past, although Tyson denies her allegations.  Monica breaks down in tears, and states that tonight she is going to make the “most strategic move for Monica.”  

It is time for Jeff to tally the votes.  Gervase pulls out the Immunity Idol, that Tyson has been holding on to for months, and uses it.  Any votes for Gervase will not count.  Ciera receives two votes, she is next person voted off Survivor.

The Blood vs. Water Final Four are: Gervase, Tyson, Ciera, and Tina.

It is time for the Final Immunity Challenge.  Tonight’s challenge will be an obstacle course, which will lead the contestants to a puzzle, and the puzzle will lead them to a combination lock.  The first contestant to complete the challenge will win Immunity and a guaranteed trip to finals.

Monica, Gervase, and Tyson are neck-and-neck.  They have completed the obstacle course and are working on their puzzles.  Tina is very far behind, she is still working on the obstacle course.

Tyson wins the Final Immunity Challenge and a guaranteed spot in the Final Three.

Tyson and Gervase discuss the Final Three back at camp.  They plan to vote Tina out at Tribal Council.  Monica is still upset that Gervase and Tyson his the Immunity Idol form her this entire time, she is contemplating forming an alliance with Tina and voting out Gervase.  Monica has to decide whether she has a better chance of beating Tina or Gervase when they go to Jury.

Tyson, Gervase, Tina, and Monica head to Tribal Council.  At Council Jeff brings up the Immunity Challenge, during the contest Monica “checked” Gervase, and elbowed him out of her way, even though they are supposed to be in an alliance together.  It’s time for the Final Four to vote.

The 16th person voted off from Blood vs. Water is Tina.

Monica, Tyson, and Gervase head back to camp.  They have to spend one more night at Kasama before they go before the jury.

It’s time for Monica, Tyson, and Gervase to go before the jury at the Final Tribal Council.  The jury is made up of: Aras, Vytas, Caleb, Katie, Hayden, Laura, Ciera, and Tina.

Gervase is going to plead his case first, “I think I played this game great.  I used the best of old school and new school Survivor.”  He points out that he instigated Aras’s elimination.

Monica starts out by “addressing the elephant in the room.”  She doesn’t want people to think that she was dragged along like “a puppy dog on a leash” by Gervase and Tyson.  She believes that forming an alliance with Tyson and Gervase was a strategic play on her part.

Tyson says he came into this game knowing he would have a “numero uno target,” on his back.  He breaks down in tears, and says he did everything because Rachel made a sacrifice to keep him in the game and he didn’t want to let her down.
Now, it’s time for some of the jury to address the Tyson, Gervase, and Monica.

Vytas goes first.  He commends Tyson for getting Aras and himself out, but he also reminds him that he promised Tyson if he voted him out he would not get his jury vote.  He is not voting for Tyson.  He doesn’t want to vote for Gervase because he feels he rode on Tyson’s coattails.  And, he doesn’t want to vote for Monica because she stabbing him in the back.  He still is unsure who he will vote for tonight.

Next up is Katie, she starts out by congratulating the Final Three.  She calls Tyson out for a statement he made to her when they drew rocks, he rubbed her face in the fact that she was headed to the jury.  Tyson apologizes profusely for the statement he made.
Caleb is up next, he has a question for Gervase.  He wants to know what Gervase thinks his “big game-changing move was?”  Gervase thinks that his biggest move was orchestrating Aras’s eviction.  Caleb asks Monica to tell him something “from her heart” about why he should vote for her.  Monica breaks down in tears, and confesses that her entire life is about Brad, and for once she wants to accomplish something on her own.

Ciera is the next jury member to question the Final Three, she has a question for Tyson.  She wants to know if Tyson sees himself “as the villain or as the hero.”  Tyson says that he never intended to be the villain, every move he made was pure strategy.  She asks Gervase if he ever planned to vote out Tyson.  Gervase confesses that he decided to stick with Tyson until the end because he thinks he could beat him in jury votes.

Laura is up next, and she goes after Monica.  She wants to know Monica to be vulnerable and confess an “ugliness about herself.”  Monica is fired up, she believes “all her ugliness’s have been brought out in this game.”  Monica breaks down in tears.

It’s Tina’s turn to address the Final Three.  She wants them all to describe themselves with one word.  Monica says she is “generous.”  Gervase describes himself as “ honorable.”  Tyson chooses the word “fun-loving” to describe himself.

It is Hayden’s turn to address the Final Three.  He starts off by asking Tyson where he found the Immunity Idol, because it has been driving him crazy.  He then turns his attention to Monica, and accuses her of being “fake,” he doesn’t think that any one has gotten to know the “real Monica.”

Aras is the final juror to question The Final Three.  He asks Gervase, “Prove to me you have game-awareness,” he wants to know what Gervase thinks got Tyson or Monica to the Final Three.  Gervase thinks Tyson deserves it because he had everyone looking for the Immunity Idol, when he had it the entire time.  Monica thinks Tyson deserves it as well because he has been a “charging horse for 39 days.”  It’s Tyson’s turn.  He shocks the jury and announces he thinks Monica should win, over his ally Gervase.  He commends her for keeping their alliance hidden so long, and convincing people that she was “on the bottom.”

It’s time for the jury to vote for who they think deserves the title of “Soul Survivor” and the $1,000,000.  The votes have all been cast, it’s time for the players to head back to the U.S. to hear the results.

The Final Three: Tyson, Monica, and Gervase are assembled back in the United States for the votes to be read.

The winner of Blood vs. Water and $1,000,000 is TYSON!

Reunion Show:

Tyson believes that he had to make Rachel’s sacrifice worth it “by fighting and scraping until the end.”  In the past when Tyson played he would have “brain farts” or “relax for a day,” but with Rachel gone she was his inspiration to win.  Tyson goes on to confess that he tried have an “A, B, C, and D plan in place at all time.” 

Even though Monica only received one vote from the jury, Jeff believes that “with every episode she gained the respect of more and more viewers.”  Monica believes that she had to prove herself on Survivor, and that she could accomplish something great without Brad by her side.

Jeff asks Gervase why he didn’t “take on more of a leadership role?”  Gervase believes that he was “playing smart” by riding on Tyson’s coattails and letting him take all the heat.  He confesses that he always had a plan in the back of his head to get rid of Tyson.

Jeff believes that Ciera made the two “biggest moves in the game” this season.  It was a game-changer when they drew rocks at Tribal Council, and then shocked everyone when she voted out her own Mom.

It is Colton’s turn on the hot seat, and Jeff wants to know why he quit.  Colton confesses that he has always looked for other people to take care of him, and when no one was taking care of him on the island, he freaked out.

Katie discusses the unexpected death of her brother Taylor.  Since her brother passed away they have received an abundance of love, and that the Survivor finale has given her a little bit of closure.

It’s time to give Tyson his $1,000,000 check.

And, the next Season of Survivor will be “Survivor Cagayan: Brawn vs. Brains. Vs. Beauty.”


Amanda Austin:
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