“Teen Mom 2” Jenelle Evans and Courtland Rogers Not Divorced: People are Crazy for Thinking They Split Says Rogers!

One minute Teen Mom 2‘s Jenelle Evans is tweeting about how she’s done with Courtland Rogers, how she wants to end things for good, and then the next moment they’re releasing tweets to the world saying we are all crazy for thinking they’ve broken up! Yikes, talk about heart palpatations. I don’t think I will ever have enough stamina as a gossip columnist to keep up with these two crazies. I think they are trying to make us all mentally insane. Seriously, I think that is Jenelle Evans and Courtland Roger’s ultimate mission in life: destroy the world through mass amounts of confusion, all of which is focused and channeled through their all-powerful weapon, Twitter.

Earlier today, Courtland released this tweet to the world: “Jenelle and I are happily married I don’t know why the news said we were officially getting a divorce when clearly we are together lol.”

Married? Sure. Technically y’all are still married. Happily? That’s debatable. Because after what you’ve subjected me to over the last week–all that arguing and stressful Twitter communication–I’d say the happiness meter is a bit low. Or, at least, a bit confused.

If you recall, Mr. Courtland, you said these things over that past couple of days: “So I just got broke up with because of talkin to my lil girl on the phone last night finally getting to here her tell me she loves dada! Wow.” And also said this, “Jenelle said she was gonna make up charges saying I beat her and I never did so that just made me say f–k Jenelle for good.” Herein lies our confusion.

But whatever we may have thought yesterday, the couple’s relationship is alive, well, and fully “functional” as they head into 2013. The couple was spotted celebrating at a New Year’s Eve party together having a good time as if nothing ever happened. She said on her Facebook, “I haven’t drank in months…. Now I want this alcohol OUT of my system ughhhhh… Thanks baby for not letting me drink anymore then I did :) love u gorgeous u r my life saver lol had so much fun last night!

Barf. Anyway. At least we can all head into our New Year knowing that Jenelle Evans and Courtland Rogers have reconciled. For now. How long do you think it will last? Do you think there’ll be another Jenelle Evans and Courtland Rogers split?

Image credit to Twitter

Nicholas Sanford:
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