Teen Mom 2 Season 5 Trailer And Spoilers – Premiere Date Released (VIDEO)

Rumors have been swirling around for months that Teen Mom 2 would be back this winter for its 5th season, and MTV has finally announced the official premiere date. Leah Calvert, Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska, Jenelle Evans, and the rest of the Teen Mom 2 cast will be returning to MTV on Tuesday January 21st at 10:00 PM.

In the past Teen Mom episodes have been filmed several months before they air on television, and by the time we see them it is all old news. But, not this time. The Teen Mom 2 girls just finished filming Season 5 during the last few months, and this season will feature current events in the girls’ lives.

In the Season 5 trailer that MTV released today we see the Teen Mom 2 girls and their babies, who aren’t babies anymore (they are all around the age of 4). MTV captured Leah Calvert’s struggles with her handicapped twin daughter, and how it is effecting her new marriage and the birth of her new baby. Viewers will get to watch Kail and her husband Javi buy their first home, and follow the pregnancy of Kailyn’s second son. Chelsea will be struggling with the birth of her ex Adam Lind’s new daughter and how it effects the daughter they had together’s life. And, the highly publicized pregnancy of Jenelle Evans, we will get to see it all unravel right before our eyes on Teen Mom 2 in January. We will also get to see her new baby-daddy Nathan Griffith, who we have heard so much about the last few weeks.

Here’s a look at the official Teen Mom 2 Season 5 trailer.

Amanda Austin:
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