Teen Mom 2 RECAP 3/18/13: Season 4 Episode 5 “So Hard to Say Goodbye”

 Teen Mom 2 RECAP 3/18/13: Season 4 Episode 5 "So Hard to Say Goodbye" Teen Mom 2 RECAP 3/18/13: Season 4 Episode 5 "So Hard to Say Goodbye"

Tonight on MTV TEEN MOM 2 returns with a whole new episode called, “So Hard to Say Goodbye.”  On tonight’s show Leah chooses who she truly wants to be with. Kailyn and Javi’s relationship gets stronger when the two take a big step. Jenelle and Kieffer go back to their old ways.  Did you watch last week’s episode? We did and we recapped it here for you!

On last week’s episode Jenelle ended up getting back together with Kieffer. Chelsea revealed her pregnancy scare to her mom. Kailyn attempted to revise her custody agreement for the second time. Jeremy and Corey had a talk about Jeremy’s intentions with Leah.

On tonight’s show Jenelle will get in to another fight with Kieffer and he will storm out. This is after she has her breast augmentation and may end up with an ex. Leah asks Jeremy if she can have her ring back and if they can be back together. So, what will happen?

Tonight’s Teen Mom 2 season 4 episode 5 is going to be filled with the usual drama, and you won’t want to miss. While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how you are enjoying season 4 of Teen Mom, so far!


Robyn Good:
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