Joe Giudice To Testify Against Teresa Giudice – Freaks Out About Prison

Joe Giudice To Testify Against Teresa Giudice - Freaks Out About Prison

All this time, we thought Teresa Giudice might be the one to turn on Joe Giudice in order to avoid prison time. But with the upcoming preview of the Real Housewives of New Jersey suggesting something different, I might actually put my money on Joe to turn on Teresa during the court case.

Keep in mind, this episode of RHONJ was shot much before the duo was indicted on 39 counts of fraud. Joe revealed in the preview that he’s afraid that their legal issues will land them in jail, explaining, “I think everybody has a little fear of something, you know what I mean? I just got lawyers involved and stuff like that.”

Apparently, people were not expecting him to say that because his brother-in-law later stated, “I am totally shocked that Joe would bring up those legal issues. This is a big step for Joe Giudice.”

Well, it might be a big step for Joe Giudice, but right now, he needs to actually do something about it other than getting ‘lawyers involved and stuff like that’. He and Teresa face a long, long time in prison if they’re convicted of the charges, and there were rumors that Joe was willing to take the blame for Teresa. Unfortunately, those rumors were shot down when the prosecutors stated that there was no way they were backing down on either Joe or Teresa.

So knowing that there’s no way Teresa’s getting out of this, and hearing that he’s actually frightened of going to prison, you think there’s any way he will turn witness for the state in exchange for reduced prison time? Let’s face it, there’s very little chance either he or Teresa are getting out of this unscathed, so the best they can hope for is a reduced sentence.