Teresa Giudice & Melissa Gorga Totally Fail at Equestrian Therapy on Real Housewives of New Jersey

The September 1st episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey season 5 episode 14 is called “Horse Whisper to a Scream.” Let’s just say a whole lot happens, not all entirely good.

New Jersey is my favorite of the Real Housewives franchise but I have to say I am over this group of people. Poison Joe Gorga set up (and paid for) a great vacation to a spa in Arizona for the group and most of them do not appreciate it. Someone is always saying this is not my thing or they have had enough of the healing/spiritiual/therapy aspect of the trip. What did they expect to happen on a healing retreat? Caroline and Albert Manzo are the worst. They are very vocal about their disdain for the spa activities. They should have stayed home.

This week we see part two of the Arizona trip. Jacqueline and Chris Laurita discuss Teresea Giudice’s comments from the night before regarding Karma. Teresa feels if Karma doesn’t get her it will get her daughters. Jacqueline reacted to this statement as a slam on her. The Laurita’s son Nicholas is autistic. Chris and Jacqueline immediately assumed Teresa was slamming them and their children. The truth is the Lauritas are emotionally unstable. They should have thought about what Teresa said before they took it to heart. Teresa did not in any way imply she was talking about a situation other than hers. Later the two women discuss it and Teresa explains she wanted Jacqueline to know why she was trying to do right by her and be a good friend.

Today’s activity is equestrian therapy. Wyatt, the therapist, guides each member of the group into speaking about themselves. Each person is then to grasp the horse’s leg to lift it up and scrape the horse’s shoe. The catch is the horse only responds to people when they are genuine. Wyatt tells the group when someone is vulnerable they can be genuine. Poison’s wife Melissa J-Lo Light Gorga and Teresa have a harder time than others doing the exercise. Wyatt sees through everyone’s BS and calls them out on it. Wyatt called out Rich Wakile on his obnoxious behavior. He also got Albert to finally expose a little of himself to the group.

Teresa’s husband Juicy Joe Giudice blew everyone away. He admitted he was scared about his upcoming trial regarding using his brother’s identification to obtain a driver’s license. Poison said in his talking head he was really surprised to hear Juicy talk about his legal troubles. Juicy is a tough guy who comes across as if nothing gets to him. Rich tells Juicy later that night how impressed he was with him for letting everyone know he does have a fear. Juicy Joe takes it one step further by being candid with Teresa while they are relaxing in the hot tub after they finish the equestrian exercise.

The night’s activity is drumming with a Native American Indian. Again, we see the eye rolling from this group. Poison says he doesn’t get it, but he looks really glad to participate and see what it’s about. Next time Poison and J-Lo Light go on vacation they should leave these wet blankets at home.

Next week we see the conclusion of the Arizona trip.

Image credit to FameFlynet

Jaclyn Reid:
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