The Bachelorette 2013 Desiree Hartsock Episode 3 RECAP 6/10/13

Tonight on ABC THE BACHELORETTE Desiree Hartsock returns as she continues her search to find her Prince Charming.  On this week’s episode in one of the most explosive showdowns in Bachelorette history, Desiree confronts one man who is not there for the “right reasons,” and aggressive dodge-ball group date sends someone to the ER, and a one-on-one goes from bad to worse.  Did you watch last week’s episode?  We did and we recapped it for you.

On last week’s show a bridal shop provided the unlikely backdrop for Desiree’s first one-on-one date with the tall, dark and handsome Brooks; rap superstar Soulja Boy carefully crafted an aptly named rap music video – “Right Reasons” – using Desiree and a group of slick bachelors; and Bryden was treated to a scenic, romantic road trip up the beautiful California coast. But some of the men were already fighting for Desiree’s love and nearly come to blows. After careful deliberation, three men were sent packing as the Bachelorette attempted to make her fairytale come true.  At the end of the night after a dramatic rose ceremony, 16 men were left to vie for Desiree’s heart.

On tonight’s show one of the guys (Brian) might have a girlfriend (Stephanie Larimore)! You’ve probably seen the promo: someone’s girlfriend shows up after hearing her man is on The Bachelorette. But is it real, or just an actor showing up to give Des a taste of her own Bachelor Season 17 medicine? Apparently, Brian told her he just needed a break from their relationship and lied about going on the show and I can’t wait to see that scene as it is going to be interesting for us the viewers. We can sure bet that ABC is definitely going to make this a big part of the show for the drama that we all love.

If you cannot wait for the episode and need to find out more about what will happen tonight head over to our HOT spoiler for tonight’s episode 3 HERE.

Tonight’s episode is going to be an thrilling and one that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage ABC’s The Bachelorette tonight at 8 PM EST!  While you wait for our recap hit the comments let us know what you think of The Bachelorette – Desiree Hartsock,  so far!

RECAP: It is a group date “Love Is  A Battle Field” and there are nine great guys going on this date. The nine guys are split between two teams; five guys on the Blue Team were Brad, Ben, Zack K, Brian, and Drew. The Red Team has Brooks, Brandon, Chris, Mikey and Michael. They are playing in a very public place, but first they have to get dressed in uniforms and then they play best 2 out of 3.

The Blue Team wins the first round, Brooks is down; he hurt his finger. The Blue Team win the game and think that they are the only ones that are going to the after party, but Desiree surprises everyone and announces that everyone is going.

There is another date card, it is for Kasey “Loves Defies Gravity”.

Chris surprises Desiree with some alone time on the roof, she is clearly impressed.

Brooks is back from the hospital, he broke his finger. Desiree gives the impression rose to Chris; they get extra time together and its a private concert by Kate Earl. Desiree had a fantastic time with Chris.

The next morning, Desiree gets a phone call from Chris; it is bizarre news. One of the guys lied to everyone. Desiree heads over to the house and she is going to confront this guy that Chris called her about who is there to play the game. Kasey is ready to go on his one-on-one date. Desiree asks Brian if she can speak to him for a few minutes. She asks him if he has anything to tell her and he says no, his past relationship was over a long time ago. Meanwhile, in the house Chris walks in with a woman. Stephanie, Brian’s girlfriend walks right in front of Brian and Desiree and introduces herself, SNAP!

Stephanie confronts Brian and tells him off for misleading her and her son Donovan; he told her that he was going on a business trip. Brian says that he really cares about Stephanie but he claims he was no longer with her. Stephanie goes on to say that there has been other girls and he is not an honest person, she wants to protect Desiree from him because he is a coward. Brian says that his relationship with Stephanie has been toxic and that is why he was looking for love. Brian finally admits to sleeping with Stephanie two days before he came on the show. Desiree tells Chris that there is not a chance that Brian is going to stay on the show, she wants him gone. Brian is given the boot and not even a chance to say goodbye to his bros.

Desiree goes in to see the guys and explains to them what happened to Brian, furthermore she tells them that if they are hiding anything to tell her now. You can hear a pin drop in the room.

Kasey and Desiree finally leave for their date and he needs to work hard and turn the day around. Brandon is really upset about the whole Brian thing because he was from a single parent home and he can’t believe that Brian would leave a single mother and her child behind. Brandon really needs to speak to Desiree and tell her how he feels.

It’s another date card “Who Will Be The Lone Man Standing?” for Zak, James, Juan Pablo, Bryden and Dan.

Meanwhile, on their date, Kasey and Desiree are going to go dancing on a side of a building suspended in the air. Later in the evening, the two head outside and it starts to get very windy so they decide to jump in the pool. The two are freezing, Kasey takes the opportunity to kiss her. Desiree feels bad because the date was such a disaster and she thinks Kasey has so much potential.

The next day, the men are picked up in a stage coach to bring them on their group date. The men will be working with the stunt team for the new movie The Lone Ranger and they are going to put the men in cowboy boots just like they did with Johnny Depp. The boys head to cowboy boot camp and the best cowboy in the end of the day wins a badge, with that he gets to enjoy a VIP screening of The Lone Ranger with Desiree, that is Juan Pablo.

Desiree does the rounds and spends some time with the guys individually. James tells Desiree that he is trying to focus but he is really worried because his father is really sick and it could be pancreatic cancer. Desiree reassures him that he is there for a reason. Desiree gets up and gets the rose and gives it to James to give him that confidence.

Chris meets the men and tells them that the cocktail party has been cancelled, Desiree would like to meet them for a relaxed pool party instead; the guys are thrilled.

Desiree arrives at the house for the pool party and Ben meets her at the front and asks her to go to a drive for fifteen minutes; she says yes. All of a sudden, the other guys see her drive up with Ben in the car and he is kissing Desiree. The other guys are furious at Ben but thrilled to see Desiree.

Ben claims that he is 100% there for Desiree but some of the other guys are really upset about what he did.

Brandon finally gets some alone time with Desiree and tells her how the whole Brian thing affected him.

Chris interrupts the pool party and takes Desiree away, it’s time to get dressed for the Rose Ceremony.

All the roses are given out and it is time for the final rose, it goes to Ben. Brandon looks like he is going to faint because he didn’t get one and Dan just looks pissed. This was clearly a tough ceremony for Desiree, she can hardly look Brandon in the eye. Dan hopes that Desiree finally sees that Ben is the biggest liar in the house. Desiree tells Brandon that he is an incredible person, just not for her. Desiree goes after Brandon and walks him out – she tells him that the chemistry is just not there. Brandon pretty much got his heart smashed with a hammer.

Next week, the guys are heading to Atlantic City with Desiree.

Dorothy Gale:
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