The Bachelorette’s Desiree Hartsock Admits She Was Forced To Pick Chris Siegfried – Still Wants Brooks Forester

The Bachelorette showmances continue. I have to be honest, I actually thought that for the first time, this show would have some semblance of spontaneity when Desiree Hartsock and Brooks Forester looked like they were going to get together. Even after the heartbreak he put her through, I think everyone assumed that he would end up coming back in Part 2. Alas, he did not, and Desiree ended up going with the lesser of the remaining two evils, Chris Siegfried.

However, Desiree has spoken out about her choice, and she claims that Chris was ‘never second choice.’ Uh-huh, sure.

She explains, “Chris was never a second choice. There were still two weeks left even when Brooks (Forester) left. Those last two weeks … those are the most vital. Regardless of Brooks leaving or not and what was going on with my emotions, and how strongly I felt, I still don’t know how it would have ended up, because Chris and I always had a strong connection from the very first time we ever talked. I never had any kind of hopes for Brooks to come back. That ship had sailed.”

Okay, I see you pretending as though you would have chosen Chris over Brooks even if Brooks had come back. I mean, she was obviously compensated handsomely for her stint on The Bachelorette by ABC, so how can she really go with her heart on this one? And she’s obviously not going to tell the media that she was forced to make a choice, and she decided to go with someone she didn’t actively despise.

What do you guys think about Desiree’s comments? Do you agree that she’s not being honest? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Des isn’t crying because she’s happy and overcome with emotion, it’s because she can’t believe she’s stuck with this loser!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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