The Mentalist RECAP 12/8/13: Season 6 Episode 10 “Green Thumb”

Tonight on CBS THE MENTALIST finally returned with a new episode called “Green Thumb.”  On tonight’s show Patrick Jane will decide only to help them if Lisbon’s allowed to work with him.  Did you watch last season six’s episode 9? If you want to get caught up before tonight’s new episode, we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you!

On last week’s episode this is the first episode after the Red John case has been solved.  We pick up Two years after the Red John case was put to rest, Jane’s newfound peace is interrupted by a surprising job offer that could change everything for him.  Now that the Red John case is over will we see a Jane and Teresa Lisbon finally get romantically involved?

On tonight’s episode the FBI seek assistance from Jane when a computer programmer vanishes, but Jane will only help them if Lisbon’s allowed to work on the case alongside him.  It’s a whole new world for Patrick Jane – and for the FBI. Is this new arrangement going to work?

Tonight’s The Mentalist Season 6 episode 9 is going to be exciting, and you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of The Mentalist — tonight at 10PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this season of The Mentalist.  Check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

RECAP: The show starts at the Cannon River Police Station, Teresa is working on some files and gets up to find a stapler, she asks a co-worker where it is; but she decides to use a paper clip instead. Agent Fisher appears and wants to talk with Teresa, she asks how Patrick is he’s still in detention. Agent Fisher says that Patrick is going to be isolated until he helps out the FBI, Fisher says that Patrick was able to stop a 10 year murderer and he’s closed every case he was ever assigned. Teresa says that the only way to get Patrick to help is to meet with one of his demands, the FBI are planning to put him with Teresa. Teresa goes and visits Patrick at the FBI headquarters, Patrick greets her while drinking tea. Teresa asks how he’s holding up, he’s fine and he says that they’re both in the same situation. Patrick says that he’d rather stay in the isolation suite instead of going to prison, Teresa decides to work with Patrick and they walk out.

Teresa and Patrick are walking through the headquarters to meet with the head honcho of the FBI, Patrick sees Cho and asks him what’s good; but Cho lets out a small laugh and lets him know they’re in the middle of a briefing. Their briefing Patrick and the rest on the upcoming case, it looks like this case could bring their banking system to the knees if they fail. Schneiderman has gone missing, it turns out that he’s been kidnapped and they need ot find him. Patrick was able to find out that Ms. Schneiderman is a gypsy due to her living place and more he was able to find out from analyzing. Teresa, Patrick and Agent Fisher are going to get on a plane, Patrick says that he understands Agent Fisher better than herself. Patrick mentions that the real Agent Fisher was on the island and that how she acts now is a shield hiding away her true self. Patrick and Teresa arrive to their destination, Patrick asks for $20 for a hot dog and runs off. Patrick goes and pays for his hot dog, but Agent Fisher tells him to get moving and forget about eating. Patrick, Teresa and Agent Fisher are now at Ms. Shneiderman’s home. Patrick catch Ms. Schneiderman as she comes through the door, Patrick says she’s quite the painter and introduces himself. Ms. Schneiderman says that Patrick is a psychic and asks Patrick to read her palm. Patrick then says that he can’t do it, but he says that she’s not letting him in. Patrick starts describing the way she’s feeling at the moment and then he asks why she wants to FBI to meet her spiritual needs. She talks about Cleo who is usually on the roof, and that she shared a bottle of win with her girlfriend. Ms. Shneiderman brings Patrick and the rest on the roof, Patrick brings up that the garden on the roof is her husbands. Patrick is talking about Able and why he married her. Ms. Shneiderman asks if Able is alive, Patrick doesn’t answer but tells her to help him find Able. Patrick says that she should sneak out and notify the media right away for the city to help and find her husband, also to not speak a word about it to the police. Agent Fisher gets curious and asks Patrick where Ms. Schneiderman is going, they all run down; but Patrick runs back upstairs to the roof pretending to follow Teresa and Agent Fisher.

Cho is briefing the FBI about Patrick’s escape from Ms. Schneiderman’s apartment, Agent Fisher isn’t pleased at all. Cho mentions how Agent Fisher screwed up not Teresa alone. Teresa says that she has no business being here because Patrick isn’t here, Agent Fisher tells everyone to take five and speak with Teresa. Agent Fisher asks if Teresa helped Patrick escape, Agent Fisher wants her help because she thought that she had Patrick figured out. Fisher asks how Teresa made it work for so long, working with Patrick together; Agent Fisher brings up if Patrick and her were ever together. Teresa asks why would she ask a question like that. Patrick is seen writing on letter TOP SECRET and then putting it in a mailbox. Patrick walks away trying to get a spray paint can to work, now Patrick is spraying something on the ground. Cho is working and is interrupted by someone staring at him; Cho asks what he’s doing and he says he was waiting for Cho to notice him. Cho asks who he is, and he introduces himself as Jason. Cho asks what he wants and Jason tells him that he’s taking time to find Patrick, also that he found a Jane sprayed on the street. Head honcho at the FBI gives Jason a bull pen, Patrick is sitting down eating something as the FBI arrive. The FBI asks him to get on the ground and pull guns on him, Patrick listens and makes sure to enjoy his sandwhich at the same time. Now Patrick is in a cell, he’s walking around and then lies down on the cot. Agent Fisher walks in and congratulates Patrick for out smarting her. Agent Fisher doesn’t want to hear anything from Patrick and says he’s going to Texas for trial of the death of a man. Patrick then asks if they found the body, it turns out that Patrick already knows that Abel killed a man and is on the run; that’s why the FBI can’t find him. Agent Fisher and the head honcho of the FBI are on the roof of Ms. Schneiderman’s building to find the body, they find a limb inside a flower pot.

Jason walks in and sits next to Cho, his desk is next to Cho’s. Jason says that Cho can call him the coyote and doesn’t know why people call him that, Cho says that his last name is Wiley and people call him that because of the Roadrunner and the coyote Looney Toons cartoon. Cho is speaking with Agent Fisher, Fisher has to let Patrick to work on the case she wants to know how to get Patrick under control. Patrick says she can’t because Patrick will do whatever he wants to save the case. Patrick asks if they found the bodies, Patrick tells the FBI not to beat themselves up about it that they could of found out sooner or later on their own. Patrick says there are no kidnappers and says it’s not right, Patrick says he needs to get a better look at the loft. Patrick says that she shouldn’t worry because he won’t escape. Patrick is sitting in the airplane trying to make conversation with Teresa, but she doesn’t seem interested. Patrick asks what’s the matter and she says it’ him, she says that Patrick ran away from her. Teresa then says that she thought Patrick ran away, that he wouldn’t come back. Teresa then mentions how does he think that she wants to work with him again, Teresa says that Patrick doesn’t know what’s good for her life. Teresa wants to finish the case and get home. Patrick talks to Ms. Schneiderman about cheating on Abel, turns out that she would never do such a thing. Patrick knows that Abel killed Cleo because he’s got quite the temper. Teresa mentions that the name is Cuban and mentions a Cuban scam that’s used. Jason says that he listened to what Teresa said and found out that the finger tips lead to a mane named Hose Martinez. Cho and Patrick are talking to Ms. Schneiderman about what happened. Cho and Patrick find out how Abel came to the conclusion of how he ended up thinking that she cheated on him. Turns out Patrick believes that Abel hasn’t left the loft and is very much alive somewhere in it.

Patrick has Teresa, Agent Fisher and Cho in the loft. Patrick then leads them outside Ms. Schneiderman’s apartment and goes to the owner of the building. Patrick knows that this man knows where Abel is and that he’s in the room stashed in a closet. Cho breaks the door and they all enter the room. Cho almost gets shot, but Agent Fisher saved him. Agent Fisher finds Abel chained in the closet, now Abel is being interrogated. It shows Abel losing his temper and beating up Hose, but during the commotion Hose fell and hit his head on a table dying. Mr. Wing saw Abel walk up to the roof and says that he’s got a security contract for the federal government and asks how much Abel is worth. Cho finds out that Mr. Wing was a gangster back in the day. Agent Fisher wants to know how a former gang member was able to deal with the feds, Wing asks for a pen and she hand it to him. Head honcho of FBI compliments Patrick’s sharp mind, he’s happy with how things are going working together. Patrick wants a couch and needs the job offer for Teresa. Patrick walks out and the head honcho says he’ll be watching his murder trial, Patrick tells him to enjoy his mail. The head honcho comes out and asks for Patrick, Patrick has all the names on the Blake association. Patrick says that if the names got out in the press it would cause a lot of problems for the FBI, the head honcho says that he’ll agree to the terms on the contract and for the names. Patrick says that the FBI should listen to his terms until the contract is up and that he’ll give the names after. Teresa walks into the Patrick’s isolation room to talk about how he got the FBI on their knees. Turns out that Patrick lied about the names in order to get the FBI to listen to him. Teresa bought Patrick something, she bought him hand made socks. Patrick looks very grateful and brushes them against his face.

Joanna Mazewski:
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