The Voice RECAP 4/30/13: Season 4 “The Knockouts, Part 2”

The Voice RECAP 4/30/13: Season 4 “The Knockouts, Part 2″

THE VOICE returns to NBC tonight with a whole new episode. On tonight’s show Usher and Blake trim their teams down to just four artists each   Did you watch last night’s episodes? We did and we recapped it here for you!

On last night’s show with the blinds and battles in the books, the surviving 32 artists reported for duty to the Voice stage. Last night they faced the knockout rounds, a head-to-head sing-off, where each coach made a final, fatal decision about who moves on. There were no more steals.  On last night’s show Adam and Shakira’s teams were in the elimination spotlight.  Adam and Shakira each breathed a sigh of relief by the end of the evening. Whittling their rosters had clearly taken its toll, but they know they were heading into the live rounds with four strong singers each.

On tonight’s show Usher and Blake trim their teams down to four artists each.  In this phase of the competition the coaches pit two of their own team members against each other, but this time they find out only minutes before performing who they are up against. The artists each select their own song to perform individually, while their direct competitor watches and waits. Their coach will choose the winner and that artist will proceed to the live shows.

Tonight’s  The Voice “Season 4  The Knockouts, Part 2”  is going to be an exciting one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of NBC’s The Voice – tonight at 8PM EST!   While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for the new season of The Voice.

LIVE RECAP HERE!! Updated Frequently!

Part Two of the Knockout Round is tonight and Blake Shelton and Usher are set to trim their teams down quite a bit. Savannah Berry is up first with her version of Justin Bieber’s As Long As You Love Me.She goes head to head with Justin Rivers singing The Climb. Usher loved Savannah’s song and the way she holds her own.  Ultimately he gave the round to Justin. Shakira also chose Justin because of the long extended note at the end. Blake thinks long and hard before choosing Justin.

Usher’s first knock out round is up next  and Josiah Hawley is belting out Back To Black. Jess Kilner has to chase Josiah’s great performance with You Give Me Something and she has the audience on their feet. Adam thinks they should have done each others songs. Blake thinks they both did really well and he liked what Jess did better. Usher loves that Jess moved the crowd and conveyed her feelings but he is keeping Josiah.

Blake’s second knockout pairing is Holly Tucker vs. Luke Edgeman because they both have a strong gospel background. Holly choose Live Like Your Dying and Luke is doing Teenage Dream. He slows it down and turns the song into a cool jam. Usher liked Holly and he thought Luke made a mistake changing it up. Shakira and Adam both gave the round to Luke. It’s up to Blake and it’s a hard choice but the knockout round goes to Holly.

Usher’s second Knockout Round is up next with Audrey Kurresh who is singing Out of Love and Michelle Shamuelle is singing Raise Your Glass.  It’s indie chick singing a rap song vs. the resident nerd and I think the nerd just crushed her. Shakira, Adam and Blake all agree with me and chose Michelle. It’s Usher’s decision and he appreciates Audrey’s effort but Michelle wins.

Danielle Bradbury and Taylor Beckham are Blake’s next knockout pair. Danielle is going to sing Jesus Take the Wheel (because someone always does) and Taylor is doing Rihanna’s Russian Roulette. Of course Danielle is  really good, no surprise there. Taylor’s Russian Roulette was amazing. Usher thinks Taylor chose a song that didn’t show her off enough and he picks Danielle. Shakira notices how Danielle is never nervous and Adam agrees that she is a natural. Blake thinks Taylor is amazing and Danielle is obviously going places and wins.

C. Perkins and Veno are up next representing Usher’s team. C. Perkins is singing She Ain’t You and Veno is throwing all of his emotion into Everything I Do I Do It For You. Shakira thought Veno won it. Adam appreciated C.’s energy and ability to get the crowd jumping. Usher is left to choose and there’s no debating Veno runs away with this one.

Danielle Bradbury and Taylor Beckham are Blake’s next knockout pair. Danielle is going to sing Jesus Take the Wheel (because someone always does) and Taylor is doing Rihanna’s Russian Roulette. Of course Danielle is  really good, no surprise there. Taylor’s Russian Roulette was amazing. Usher thinks Taylor chose a song that didn’t show her off enough and he picks Danielle. Shakira notices how Danielle is never nervous and Adam agrees that she is a natural. Blake thinks Taylor is amazing and Danielle is obviously going places and wins.

C Perkins and Veno are up next representing Usher’s team. C. Perkins is singing She Ain’t You and Veno is throwing all of his emotion into Everything I Do I Do It For You. Shakira thought Veno won it. Adam appreciated C.’s energy and ability to get the crowd jumping. Usher is left to choose and there’s no debating Veno runs away with this one.

Grace Askew and The Swan Brothers are Blake’s next Knockout pair. Grace is singing I Can’t Stand the Rain and The Swan Brothers are singing Drift Away. Usher picks Grace, while Adam and Shakira pick The Swan Brothers. Blake ultimately chooses The Swan Brothers.

Catia and Ryan Innez are Usher’s last pair tonight. She is singing Mr. Know It All and Ryan is throwing down I Don’t Wanna Be. Shakira , Blake and Adam seem to favor Catia. Usher makes the final call and ultimately chooses Catia.

Tune in next week for more of The Voice