The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 15 “This Sorrowful Life” Sneak Peek & Spoilers: Will Your Fave Character Die?

The Walking Dead is powering through its season 3 and with only a few episodes left in this season, that leaves a bit of time left for things to go crazy. If spoilers upset your stomach, then perhaps you should look away now, as this little article is filled with a whole bunch of zombie-spoilage-action; however, if you don’t mind going into one of the most talked about shows on television with a little background knowledge, then please continue! We love you for it. After all, these little nuggets of spoilage are for you, trusty reader.

With two episodes left in season 3, we’re all left to wonder how many deaths are going to occur — how many characters, those dearly beloveds of yours, are the showrunners going to parade onto the chopping block? According to some rumors, loads of people are going to die *gasp* *tear* and the group of deaths will likely contain the death of two principal characters. Who do you think it will be? We’re not sure. We just wanted to prepare you to get ready to say farewell to two cast mates. Dallas Roberts (Milton on the show) recently received a gig on Unforgettable, so if that’s any indication of him leaving, then perhaps it makes sense that Milton will be one of the two to get the cut.

He may just be one of the twenty-something people (that’s the estimated number of overall deaths), but regardless . . . I think it’s safe to say we can expect his death.

There’s also an instance, supposedly, of Merle Dixon becoming a walker. This could just be a day dream of one of the characters, conveying their deepest fears, but there’s also the possibility. I guess that would be another way to look at characters deaths. Will anyone turn into walkers? Let us know if you’ve found any other Walking Dead season 3 spoilers!

Don’t forget to tune into The Walking Dead season 3 episode 15 “This Sorrowful Life” on Sunday (AMC). If You Want More Hot Celeb Dirty Laundry News Then Please Like Us On Facebookand Follow Us On Twitter!

Nicholas Sanford:
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