Tom Cruise and Isabella Cruise Battle As Her Fiance Eddie Frencher Quits Scientology Cult

Tom Cruise and Isabella Cruise Battle As Her Fiance Eddie Frencher Quits Scientology CultTom Cruise and Isabella Cruise Battle As Her Fiance Eddie Frencher Quits Scientology Cult

When Katie Holmes decided to pull the plug on her marriage with control freak, Tom Cruise he praised two people for helping him get through one of the roughest times in his life, his kids Connor Cruise, 18, and Isabella Cruise, 20. Both have stayed loyal to their father, even going so far as to shun their adoptive mother, Nicole Kidman, when she and Tom split back in 2001.


Isabella had been very loyal to Scientology and has been dating Eddie Frencher for years with the full expectation of marriage eventually. Eddie was until recently a member of Sea Org, part of Scientology’s Clerical Order. He left the organization with minimal notice and on the outside looking in, Sea Org is the ultimate freedom killing, life commitment to the cult. Eddie must have experienced some pretty horrific stuff to decide to abruptly leave and that decision is likely causing conflict and crisis for Isabella.

Tom Cruise and Isabella Cruise Battle As Her Fiance Eddie Frencher Quits Scientology CultTom Cruise and Isabella Cruise Battle As Her Fiance Eddie Frencher Quits Scientology Cult

Leaving Scientology usually means that other loyalists will choose to shun you and so Isabella is likely caught between the two men that she loves most. According to the April 22nd print edition of In Touch, she is already showing signs of separating herself from Tom’s church of choice and it’s not sitting well with him. He has raised Isabella to understand that she’s expected to be a stellar example in the church so to see her falter will certainly lead to the actor being pressured to take some sort of action.

Will Tom decide to shun Isabella as he did her mother years ago? Will there be more permanent dissension in the Cruise family? Will Isabella ultimately choose Eddie over her father? Would it surprise you if Scientology took another relationship from Tom? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

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Cate Meighan:
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