Tom Cruise Put Scientology Ahead of Spending Time With Suri: Deposition Evidence

When In Touch decided to accuse Tom Cruise of abandoning his daughter, Suri Cruise, on their cover he responded the same way that he always has to vicious allegations – with a lawsuit. Tom filed a $50 million suit to be exact but I have to suspect that if he is at all in touch with reality he may regret it completely. According to everything we read Tom was deposed last week and he walked away from the under oath meeting looking like a lousy father.

He admitted that between June and Thanksgiving of last year he only saw Suri for 10 days. He also conceded that he has gone as many as 100 days without seeing his daughter. Tom later admitted under oath that Katie Holmes left him in part because she wanted to protect Suri from Scientology. As of now Suri is not a member of Scientology and that fact may explain a lot of Tom’s MIA behavior.

According to Scientology’s belief system if family member leave the church then they are to be shunned. Tom keeps his distance from both Katie and also former wife, Nicole Kidman because of this. Would the rule apply to little Suri as well? Lawyer’s for the tabloid used Tom’s aviation logs to prove that he thought nothing of a 36 hour jaunt to London and back for a Scientology meeting, but has never showed that kind of devotion when it came to seeing Suri.

When you put this all together it sure does sound like abandonment, doesn’t it? Is Tom’s religion instructing him to distance himself from his daughter? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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