Top Chef Twitter Party 02/05/13: Save a Chef, Prizes and A-List Guests

Top Chef Twitter Party 02/05/13: Save a Chef, Prizes and A-List GuestsTop Chef Twitter Party 02/05/13: Save a Chef, Prizes and A-List Guests

Season 10 of Top Chef is reaching fever pitch and it’s getting hot in the kitchen! Join Celeb Dirty Laundry this Tuesday February 5th for a live Twitter chat hosted by CDL and Bravo and party with Top Chef A-listers and other fans to vote for which of the Last Chance kitchen chefs you want to save and which Top Chef you think will win it all!

Join us this Tuesday February 5th from 1-2 pm (eastern time) on Twitter @CelebDirtyLaund to chat about the Top Chef finalists and the best and worst of Season 10 Top Chef Seattle. If you have any questions you’d like us to ask other fans and the Top Chef team at Bravo, leave them in the comments below and we’ll try to get to all of your must-know questions.

You can also win some really cool Top Chef prizes during the Twitter party including:

  • Top Chef Utensils
  • Top Chef DVD Set
  • Top Chef Cookbook
  • Anthony Bourdain’s Medium Raw Cookbook and T-shirt

If you’ve been watching Top Chef this season, you know the competition has been heated and some of the Top Chefs have been driving each other crazy. Josie, anyone? So if you’re hungry for all things Top Chef, join us this Tuesday from 1-2 pm on Twitter @CelebDirtyLaund for some culinary chat, cool prizes and lots of inside information on the upcoming Top Chef finale!

Make sure to use the tag #TopChef, look for @CelebDirtyLaund and @BravoTopChef on 02/05/13 at 1 PM EST. Several A-List guests will also be joining the party. You must tweet to win one of the prizes.

Who Stays? Who Goes? You Decide!

Your vote will keep one chef alive for another week. In the end, the last chef standing will compete in the Last Chance Kitchen finale. Who will you save and put into the Top Chef finale? Are you on team CJ or team Stefan? To save CJ, tweet #savechefcj and to save Stefan, tweet #savechefstefan

Vote now:

1. CJ: #savechefcj
2. Stefan: #savechefstefan

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Stormy Elizabeth:
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