Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott Face Bankruptcy and Divorce – Tori in Denial (PHOTO)

Tori Spelling Face Dean McDermott Face Bankruptcy and Divorce - Tori in Denial (PHOTO)Tori Spelling Face Dean McDermott Face Bankruptcy and Divorce - Tori in Denial (PHOTO)

The first to notice Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott’s anxiety in action is Star magazine. The magazine’s motive is to discredit Tori Spelling’s happy ever after all American family with Dean McDermott and four lovely children in tow BS. First, Star magazine recognized Tori has no financial ammunition to wage a battle with them in light of a grand cover they published asserting a “$300 million divorce.

Tori Spelling wasted no time defending her position from such unfounded stories. While it is reported is that Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott finances are out of control. Therefore, the question remains, who can afford a $300 million divorce, Tori or Dean?

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott both maybe preposterous in their financial investments but one thing is for sure, Tori has common sense to try and shield the children from all the negative publicity. Tori is posting on her website trying to be proactive with her side of the story to counteract Star magazine.

Star magazine insists Tori and Dean are busting at the seams with financial woes when they downsize their style of living by taking a road trip with the children instead of using private planes and such. More importantly, Tori and Dean are holding their breath in anticipation of filming a show for HGTV about cabin-renovations. Tori and Dean think this must be the one show to rescue them from their financial demise?

In all reality when Tori and Dean had all the perks that come with celebrity star power they never thought they would experience a new exploration outside of Hollywood life. But now the time has come. For example, Dean must get up off his “behind,” patch up his seams and stroll out of those gates of Hollywood and help Tori support these children.

Image Credit: Star

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