True Blood Season 6 Episode 6 REVIEW “Sookie Is Still A Danger Whore”

True Blood Season 6 Episode 6 REVIEW "Sookie Is Still A Danger Whore"

Okay Trubies we all know this season a main character will die on True Blood and last weeks episode gave us four to choose from Sookie, Eric, Pam, and Terry. The only way to find out if its one or none is for me to watch and you to read on.

We pick up where we left off (with Sookies head underwater). Cut to Bill who can feel it and says Sookie. Warlow wants to know what about Sookie. Back to the lake and now Lafayette is using both hands to hold her down. Sookie is trying to swim and Lafayette apologizes (on account of the fact he is possessed by Sookies dad father), you see the life going out of her (really there are bubbles and everything), and just when you think it’s Sookie you find out it isn’t Sookie (one down three to go). Somebody grabs Lafayette and throws him into a tree. That somebody is Warlow ( so glad it wasn’t Bill), he carries over by a tree and as she gasp for breath out comes Lafayette. Warlow grabs him and is about to kill him when Sookie jumps up and tells him her fathers spirit is inside Lafayette. Warlow understandable is a tad confused, Sookie wants Warlow to zap him with his pretty faerie light and make her big bad daddy go away. It works and we get the Lafayette we know and love back. Sookie ask Lafayette if her dad is still there. Lafayette tells her yes, she tells him to tell her dad to get the f**k out of her life forever. Her dad does so.

Pam and Eric are still in a stand off. Burrell is agitated because nothing is happening. Sarah looks over at the shrink and whines that he promised her that it would be violent. The shrink tells her to be patient (clearly he doesn’t realize Sarah does not have that virtue). Pam says in a questioning way to Eric “You made another vampire?” Eric replies that indeed he did, and from the look on Pam’s face I’m guessing she knows to whom the honor went. Pam and Eric both fly up in the air. Sarah is looking on in disbelief. Burrell does the happy dance says here we go and sits down to enjoy the show,(remember these to are in the running to be dead this week too). They have the stakes pointed at each other, some goofy guy with glasses is taking notes. The way Pam and Eric are looking at each other you would think they were scheming. (I mean they can communicate telepathically, if they aren’t now would be a excellent time to start). A few more tense moments of looking at each other and they fly up into the rafters and ram the stakes into the snipers. Burrell is disappointed, Sarah is down to leave, the shrink is like just give it a minute. And what a minute it is, Pam grabs one of the guards, shoves him up against the glass and then he gets at stake shoved threw him so hard that it goes through the glass, it then gets ripped out and his body falls to the floor. Sarah grabs her mouth so as not to throw up. Eric walks up to the glass and peeps through the bloody hole. He assures Steve that he sees him, Steve tells him he had noting to do with it and that they made him. The doors in the room with Pam and Eric open more vamp cops come in and they tell them to drop the stakes, they do. (Eric and Pam are also safe, I think we all know what this means for poor Terry).

Warlow and Sookie are still sitting in the woods. Lafayette verbatim: So let me get this hetero straight, so he is a vampire that can come out in the daytime?  Warlow verbatim: yeah in a nutshell.  Lafayette verbatim: oh there goes the damn neighborhood. (Lol)

Sookie just gives him that why Lafayette why must you say those things look. Lafayette apologizes but tells her he isn’t one to make light of a situation (yeah right he makes some of the craziest s**t on this show hilarious). Warlow gets a pang in his stomach and tells Sookie it is Lillith (Bill) calling him back. Sookie grabs him arm and is like oh no he didn’t, if you go back he will just kill you. Warlow picks this very moment to fall to the ground puking blood, and there is lots of it. Sookie says she can take him somewhere safe but he has to help her, she takes both his hands and they light up disappear, leaving poor Lafayette sitting there. Bill is equally as confused because Warlow didn’t return and he can’t feel him.

Sookie and Warlow are in a faerie dimension in a cemetery!?!? Sookie ask Warlow if he can still feel Bill. Warlow tells her no.

Bill is high tailing it up the stairs talking to Jessica wanting to know if he almost killed her when he pulled her back that one time. Naturally he is greeted by a empty room, its at that moment Bill realizes his vision is coming true (way to catch up Bill….better late than never I suppose). Bill starts talking to Lillith who of course has absolutely nothing to say whatsoever.

Jason is at the LAVTF trying to get enlisted. Jason starts talking three kinds of s**t. It is hilarious. The guy is so impressed by his knowledge he goes to get his supervisor. Soon as he walks away Jason mutters “racist f**ks” under his breath.

Back at Bills we are in the professors lair. Bill wants the professor to put him in a coma so he can have a chit chat with Lillith. The professor tells him that his people are crazy (not all… just Bill, possibly Jessica if she is still riding her faerie high). Bill informs him he will drain him till he is almost at one inch of true blood. Bill ask the professor if he understands. The professor says yes. Bills all lets do this.

Sam is leaving the lobby of the hotel and heading back to his room. Nicole is still sitting in a chair. Sam ask where Emma is. Nicole tells him she is the bathroom crying because she misses her grandma and wants to know if she will ever see her again. Sam explains to Nicole that it was Luna’s dying wish that he take her. Nicole is like where in the hell are your taking her. Nicole tries to make him understand that he cant keep running with her.

Sookie is sitting in the faerie woods when Warlow comes up to her and ask her to tie him up. Sookie is like excuse me. Warlow explains that night is coming. Sookie says that is negatory the sun is out. Warlow is well yeah here in faerie world it’s sunny but in the real world it’s getting dark and he doesn’t want to hurt her. Sookie tells him if he doesn’t want to hurt then just don’t. Warlow tells her that it isn’t that easy, even though he is a faerie he is also a vampire. Sookie tells him that she has been with him at night before. Warlow explains that in each and everyone of those scenarios he had already fed, he tells her he can’t be trusted. Sookie ties him to a tree in the cemetary part of the faerie plane with some vines, then she melts them together with her faerie light. Warlow decides they should talk while they wait. Warlow tells her he wishes she had never found out about her parents, Sookie tells him it’s alright, Warlow tells her that out of everyone she is the only without blame in the whole situation. Sookie starts to talk but gets distracted by his fangs popping out, she kind of jumps back ( come on Sookie it’s not like you’ve never been around a hungry vampire before, shake it off girl).

Alcide gets out of his truck, walks to a hotel room, bangs on the door, and yells dad. Dad opens the door and there is Jenny walking around in all her naked glory.(Don”t worry ladies Jenny being the class act that she is has her heels on). Alcide is like Hi Jenny, how are you? lol. Alcides dad tells him in a happy little co inky dink Sam happens to be at the same hotel. Alcide wants to know what room and when his dad refuses he demands the room number. Daddy folds and tells him room 117. Alcide stomps off down there and bangs on the door, when he doesn’t get a answer he breaks it down. Unfortunately for Alcide they are long gone.

Over at Bills the professor is draining him. Clearly it worked. Bill opens his eyes up, and there are three grotesque looking vampires standing there. Then they do that vroom thing.

Andy is in standing in the doorway watching his lone daughter sleeping. Holly walks up and touches him and he yells out loud and ends up waking her up. Andy tells her to go back to sleep but she wants to talk to him about something. She wants a name it ends up being Adeline-Braline-Charlene-Danika. She ends up with the other three because when people say her name she wants them to say her sisters names too. Its a really sweet scene.

Lafayette is sitting at home getting high, making something with a glue gun. Terry knocks on the door and is all kinds of awkward but he finally gets to the point and tells Lafayette he is there to give him something. Terry wants Lafayette to take the key to his safety deposit box. Lafayette doesn’t want it, he ask Terry what is going on. Terry tells him nothing is going on he tells him he just wants to give him his key because they are friends. Lafayette takes it, then Terry hugs him and leaves. Lafayette calls him but he doesn’t come back.

Arlene is downstairs on the phone with Lafayette (tattletale). Arlene is thanking him and hanging up right as Holly is coming down the stairs. Holly ask Arlene what is wrong, Arlene tells her she thinks Terry is going to kill himself (close, too bad it only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades). Holly ask her if maybe she is just freaking out over nothing. Arlene is positive Terry wants to die. Holly tells her they should get a vampire to make him forget (freaking brilliant …where was this wisdom last week?) Holly calls her sons friends dads husband.

Sookie is talking to Warlow who is still tied to a tree. Warlow tells her he was made in 3500, she tells him that’s a long time to wait for someone. Warlow tells her she is special. Sookie tells him she isn’t that special. Sookie also wants to know how he thought that whole contract thing was going to go down. Warlow tells her if he could go back he would tear it up. Warlow explains that he killed Lillith because he despises what she made him. Warlow tells Sookie that if she agreed to marry him they could go anywhere do anything they wanted day or night. That he and Sookie would only need each other. Sookie ruins the moment by bringing up the fact that she would be a vampire.

Burrell has got Eric chained up in a cage. He literally walks around the cage in glee. Burrell tells him he is dead. Eric replies for millennia now. Burrell calls him a smart ass and tells him he means true death, but its going to be slow and painful. Eric ask if Burrell is mad because he made Burrell’s daughter his daughter. Some other guy with glasses tells him he is the kind to never give up. They bring in Nora and shoot her up with Hepatitis V. Nora starts to cry and tells Eric she loves him. Eric tells Nora he loves her to.

Back to Bill walking around in the sunshine talking to Lillith. Lillith tells him the tyrant has his progeny and the blonde has their salvation. She tells him life is a riddle and death has no answers. Bill gets super pissed and snaps at her, she tells him not to take that tone with her. Bill tells her it is all her fault and its on her. Lillith tells him that it is the other way around, and not to come to her for answers because in the future ( yep you guessed it) she has nothing to say whatsoever.

Sam and Nicole are at a gas station with Emma, her grandma shows up. Sam is giving
Emma back to Martha. Sam tells her she isn’t allowed to take her back to the pack. Emma’s grandma tells him that isn’t her pack anymore. Emma hugs Sam and begins to cry, she ask Sam if she will ever see him again. Sam tells her doesn’t know. Emma and Martha get in the car, Sam watches them leave.

Terry is watching the Deadliest Catch or something along those lines when the doorbell rings. It’s the vampire to make Terry’s bad memories go bye bye. It works (here’s hoping that mojo heads over to Justin and he forgets to kill him).

Meanwhile over at the vamp camp Jason is really selling his line of bullshit (the things he will do for love, Jessica is a lucky lucky girl). Jason is dropping f bombs making up stories of vampire kills he has done or been a part of. It’s freaking great, he should always have this Rambo attitude. Sarah walk in and I’m pretty sure she pisses herself at that point. Then when Jason says he knows her she really gets panicky. Jason say its from the TV. Sarah tell them to clear the room that she has a few questions for Jason before she signs off on him. They oblige and leave. Jason tells her if she tells anyone who is or what he is there to do(save Jessica) he will tell everyone about there sexy time. Sarah is fit to be tied.

Burrell goes to see Willa. The guard tells him it is safe to go inside that she has already been fed. Willa wants her dad to put her in with the general population. Burrell tells her it’s safer for her to be alone. Willa calls him a p***y whipped motherf**ker. Willa also tells him she has a friend out there named Tara that can maybe help her understand what she is now, and that if he really cares he will do what she is asking of him. Burrell pats her on the head like she is his pet dog and leaves.

Sam and Nicole are looking at a map deciding which direction to go. Alcide comes walking up. Sam and him get into it. Sam tells him one way or another this ends tonight. Alcides eyes glow yellow, but he cools down and tells Sam to leave and that if he ever shows up in Shreveport or Bon Temps he is a dead man. Alcides dad has been watching the whole time and tells him he made the right choice. Alcide just says whatever and sulks off.

Bill wakes up and sees a news story about how Burrell is going to put True Blood back on the shelves and at a discounted price (its a trap, has to be). Bill realizes the Tyrant is Burrell (good job if he thinks a little harder bet he can figure out who the blonde is). Bill drinks Warlows blood and starts to glow ( meaning he can literally walk in the sun. Bill takes a moment to ummmmm bask in the sun (something vampires rarely get to do). Then he vrooms off.

Sarah is one of those observation rooms with the glass to see you all the better with my pretty. Jason walks in. Sarah thanks him for coming. She is so up to something. She wants Jason to watch a copulation study. The girl they bring in is Jessica. The guy is named James. He explains what is going on to Jessica. Jason is not happy. James refuses and they zap him with a light. Jessica says they will just do it. Jason can’t watch. They keep zapping him and finally they take Jessica away. Sarah is looking at Jason with a smug little look on her face.

Terry is turning on the music in Merlotts and doesn’t have a care in the world (or a worry for that matter). Terry goes to take the trash out. Lafayette and Arlene stop to talk for a minute. Back to Terry with the trash, he is putting a new trash bag in the little can before he puts it in the dumpster outside. Terry grabs big Jon’s trash on the way out. Terry puts the trash in the dumpster and then gets shot in the neck. Lafayette comes running out to see if he is ok. Arlene comes running out and Lafayette tries to stop her. Arlene puts his head in her lap and talks to him about all the good things in his life. Arlene sings hush little baby to him as he dies. Arlene closes his eyes and then bends down and kisses him. (Sad, sad, stuff).

Burrell is sitting outside reading out of the Bible smoking a cigarette. Up walks Bill and manages to not die when getting shot, in fact he kills every single one of Burrell’s guards by making them turn on each other. Bill and Burrell talked about some stuff, vampires, light, other things. Can’t remember because seeing Burrell’s head get ripped off was astounding. Bill holds it up for a minute (to be or not to be style says my son). Bill then places it on a statue of a Angel.

Eric is watching Nora slowly die. Nora tells Eric she will finally be able to look into Godrics pretty blue eyes. Eric is nope, sorry sis I’m going to save you.

Tara and Willa are playing connect four (this is by far the most unbelievable thing I’ve seen this episode and I just saw a guys head get ripped off). That vampire chick that saved Tara and Jessica last week walks by. Willa gets queasy. Tara tells her Eric is summoning her and that she has to go to him. Willa is worried about the guards. Tara tells her to rip those motherf**kers up and keep going. Willa asks a guard if she can have a word alone with him. Next we see the guard punch out a doctor that is checking on Nora. In walks Willa. Eric tells her well done baby vampire and then tells her to get the white coat off the doctor before she rips her arm off. (My son says that just shows Eric is always thinking and has a plan….lol). The guard then unlocks Eric’s cage, Eric thanks him.

Nora and Eric got some new digs,(Eric is dressed like a guard, Nora is dressed like a doctor) Willa did not. They stop at a door and Eric tells them they need to find Pam. Willa wants to get Tara and her friend Jessica. Eric tells her I guess (like a dad giving into his little princess). They use the hand of the lady doc they took the coat from to open a door. They follow the jerk with the glasses to another room. Eric sees them bottling True Blood and they are putting a shot of Hepatitis V in it, (told you it was a trap). Eric cannot believe his eyes. He ask some guy if its all contaminated. The guy tells him yes. Eric gives him the thumbs up and as he walks back out he says f**k me.

Back to Warlow and Sookie in faerie world. Sookie tells Warlow that the consensus is that she is a danger whore. That she has all these feelings for him….you totally see where this is going right. Warlow sucks her blood, she sucks some of his and before you know it they are having sex.

If you want to sink your teeth in some spoilers from next week’s episode [CLICK HERE]