Tonight on CBS their new drama UNDER THE DOME continues with its eighth episode called, “The Fourth Hand.” On this week’s episode Maxine, shows up unexpectedly in Chester’s Mill. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you want to get caught up and missed it, we watched and we recapped it here for you.
On last week’s episode showed Junior standing up to his father and was shattered when he discovered the truth about his mother’s past. Meanwhile, Julia learned firsthand the powers of the “mini dome.” Big Jim had a lot to contend with when the dome under the dome is now in Chester’s Mill and things were about to change. A family reunion turned deadly when secrets were revealed between Big Jim and Junior. Junior reacted to his father kicking him out of the house because he was sick and had problems.
On tonight’s show Big Jim and Barbie discover their lives are more intertwined than they knew when a mysterious woman, Maxine, shows up unexpectedly in Chester’s Mill.
This is definitely one series that you will not want to miss this summer. Don’t forget to stay tuned to Celeb Dirty Laundry where we will be live blogging every episode all summer long. Under the Dome Episode 8 “Thicker Than Water” airs tonight at 10PM on CBS.