VIDEO – Lamar Odom’s Mistress Jennifer Richardson Speaks Out about Cheating on Khloe Kardashian!

Lamar Odom’s alleged mistress Jennifer Richardson is speaking out about her relationship with Khloe Kardashian’s husband. The woman at the center of this cheating scandal is not going away and she is sticking to her story.

In a video interview with Star Magazine, Jennifer recounts how she met Lamar and her decision to become his on the road bed buddy.  She is very emotional, even breaks down a couple of times. In the end she gives Khloe some advice, divorce Lamar. Duh of course she is going to say Khloe should leave him, she probably wants him for herself. Despite what you may think of this woman, who chose to have a relationship with a married man, she clearly had feeling for Lamar.

Since these rumors began circulating I was all about believing that Odom would not cheat on my girl Khloe. I love them as a couple and they always came across so in love, blah blah blah. However after watching Richardson speak out, it leads me to believe she is not lying. OMG that was tough to say but once you watch the video you will see what I mean. Ever since the cheating scandal broke she has stuck to her story. Not a detailed has been wavered from, liar usually can’t keep the details straight, just sayin.

Even though I am inclined to believe Jennifer, sorry Khloe, it does make me wonder why after a year of being with him she is speaking out. Is she a woman scorned, probably. Is she looking for some kind of pay off or 15-minutes of fame, for sure.  She also appears to be looking for sympathy of some kind, which she is so not going to get, you were the other woman.  Even her apology to Kkloe seemed more calculated then sincere, an attempt to give her credibility I assume.

Sadly it seems that in the case of the Jennifer Richardson and Lamar Odom affair that there is actually some truth to it. You know what they say, where there is smoke there is fire and there is a lot of smoke in this case. I feel bad for Khloe and that is it.  The other two made their bed now they have to lie in it. As for Odom lost all respect for him.

Do you think Richardson is Lamar’s mistress? Do you think he and Khloe will make it or are they headed for the big “D”? Tell us what you think in the below comments section.

Rachelle Thomas:
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