The Walking Dead is one of those shows that never fails to keep its fans guessing. Even fans of the comics series are constantly surprised, as showrunners have made it quite clear that they don’t consider themselves bound by the original story lines set forth by the creator. For some of you, the following spoilage might not be something you want to experience on this fine day, so if things of that nature give you tummy aches then I urge you to turn around now.
Now if you’ve read the comics, then you know that Rick loses his hand. It’s still under question, but based on a group of set photos released, it has been observed that Rick just might experience an extreme injury to his hand — but does he actually lose it? Who knows? Will season 4 explore the amputation story line set forth in the comics?
While no one is sure, it seems highly unlikely. Creator Robert Kirkman has made a point to comment on the potential scenario:
One thing I’m adamant about is I don’t think that we should cut Rick’s hand off [on television]. When I’m writing a comic book, I don’t think about what I’m doing. I go, ‘Oh, it’d be pretty cool if they cut his hand off right now. That’d be pretty shocking, right?’. Then I do it, and five issues later, I write ‘Rick opens a can of beans’ and then I look at the script and think ‘He can’t do that now’. I didn’t even think that through.
If AMC isn’t planning on exploring the amputation story, then what does the bandage on Rick’s hand mean? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Image credit to AMC