White Collar RECAP 11/14/13: Season 5 Episode 5 “Master Plan”

White Collar continues tonight with a whole new episode called, ““Master Plan.”  On tonight’s show a psychiatrist who may be manipulating her patients into committing robberies.  Did you watch last week’s episode?  We did and we recapped it right here for you.

On last week’s show Neal, wanted to cut all of the strings with people getting him into trouble. Neal stole a bag full of money because it was and gave it to Mozzie so that he could build his empire again. Mozzie, under the influence of a drug, likes working with Peter but likes going against him too. Neal confessed that he did not regret going against Peter and had no remorse.

On tonight’s show Neal must go undercover as a butler to expose an impostor who aims to inherit a Manhattan family’s fortune.

White Collar stars,  Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay, Tiffani Thiessen, Willie Garson, Hilarie Burton, Sharif Atkins and Marsha Thomason.

Tonight’s season 5 episode 5 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of USA Network’s “White Collar” at 9:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for the season 5 episode 5 of  White Collar tonight.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Peter and Elizabeth are enjoying post-coital, post-shower kisses when he gets a chill. She asks if he got a flu shot and he says he hasn’t been sick in years. She says he’s sick and takes his temperature. Moz lectures Neal on the death of honeybees. He wants to put beehives on the terrace and Neal shuts him down. But then he relents and says it could be a good place to hide contraband. Neal tells Moz he can start with one hive.

Peter is sniffling and tells Elizabeth it’s just allergies. Neal is waiting on them as they walk to her work. Neal glances down at the briefcase and Peter says he’s casing her artwork. Neal says they’re on the friends and family program of not getting scammed by him.

Neal shows him the headline about the Wolcott heir that just showed up. They wonder how a 14 year old could evade an international man hunt for 15 years. Turns out Elizabeth knew him and hung out with him in Europe. She says he ran away from boarding school one summer. She’s excited to see him and mentions the Wolcott’s loyal butler Stanton that was the glue that held the family together.  Elizabeth dodges Peter’s kiss and Neal asks if he’s sick. They head off to the office.

Elizabeth comes to the Wolcott’s as Stanton is leaving. He’s been fired. The Wolcott’s daughter – Bea – is furious that her dad fired Stanton and says he “didn’t do it.” William Wolcott believes his butler leaked health information about him to the press. He tells her that Patrick is still difficult.

Patrick comes down and gives her a big hug. He tells her she’s as beautiful as ever and quotes Italian to him. She looks for signs that it’s really him including a scar and she asks him an old horse’s name and he recites it. She tells him she has a bunch of questions for him.

He tells her he was tired of living on his Dad’s requirements. He skied away one day after saving up his money to run off. He tells her he only came back because his Dad’s poor health made it into the press. She flips through a catalogue of art work that his Dad is letting him buy from and he point out the Picasso. She reminds him how much he hated him and says she only put it in as a test.

He tells her he was just a kid then and that tastes change. She says she’ll have the gallery send it over. Back home, she stares at the catalogue and is clearly distracted. She calls up Neal who asks her how Downton Abbey is. Elizabeth tells him she thinks Patrick is an imposter. He tells her it’s totally possible and mentioned the Talented Mr. Ripley. He says he’ll have to run it by Peter but can look into it.
An obviously sick Peter tells her he has a good reason to believe the guy is an imposter and says El called him. Neal tells him about the Picasso incident and tells him it’s like him suddenly becoming a Red Sox fan. Peter admits he would have to be a different person. Neal also says that the firing of the butler is also suspect. They want a DNA test and Neal suggests they snag a hair.

Neal proposes that he can go in undercover as a butler. He also tells Peter he’s sick and should go home and Peter says he’s never been out sick a day in his life and won’t go home!

They bring the recently fired butler Stanton into the office. He says he doesn’t air dirty laundry and would never speak to the press. Peter is obviously sick. He tells Stanton that he’s not in trouble – instead they tell him that Patrick may be an imposter and that he may have set Stanton up because he could have exposed him.

Neal explains that El got him a job with the Wolcott’s – he says he butlered at a private castle as part of a scam (which he says he was never caught back). Neal runs through a list of observations to explain why he’s a brilliant study and can carry it off. Stanton tells them that his life’s work was protecting the family and Neal tells him to tell them everything he needs to know.
Neal poses as Carlisle and offers Bea some tickets to a literary reading he procured for her. She’s impressed and says mid-century lit is her weakness. Her dog doesn’t like Patrick who has just come in. Neal offers to take his helmet or coat and he refuses. He offers him water and he takes it to go. Neal watches how he carries it.

Neal sends Wolcott in for his breakfast with his papers as El comes in. Wolcott asks where she found him and she talks him up.

At the office, Peter shows the group some case files and they are all sitting back from him appalled. He has to run out of the room to barf and Clinton puts him on speaker phone to keep him away from them. When he starts upchucking on speaker, Clinton demands that he goes him and tells him they and Neal can handle it.

Neal comes into Patrick’s room and fingerprints the glass. He notes with interest that he left no prints. He wipes away the powder so Patrick can’t tell he’s been there. Neal calls Peter and tells him he’s having problems. He says Patrick wiped the glass, has cleaned out his brush and toothbrush. He says he’s being too careful. Neal hears a noise and says he has to go.

The Picasso is delivered and El stares at it. Then Patrick is there behind her watching her. He startles her. He reminds her when his manifesto against cubism almost got them arrested. He recounts a bunch of details. She misspeaks a name and then he corrects her.

Bea sits reading a journal in Patrick’s closet. She says she was working on a genealogy project and he says she was snooping. She says the only thing he has talked about is past stuff and is avoiding spending time with her. She says Stanton is gone and her dad is sick – Neal asks if she doesn’t want to be left alone with someone she doesn’t know and she nods.

Neal hears Patrick coming and hides Bea in the closet. He asks why Neal is there and he says he’s picked out a dinner jacket. Patrick gets testy and says he doesn’t want any designer stuff his dad has picked out. Neal notices a unique cufflink on his sleeve that he’s fingering. He asks Patrick how he evaded the manhunt for so many years.

He offers him up some BS and points to his travel journal. Neal says it got wet and Patrick says he dropped it in the Aegean. Neal tells him he’s lucky his dad took him back in after all that and asks him to wear a jacket to dinner to make William happy. Patrick concedes and Neal slips it on him and as he does so, lifts one of his cufflinks. He’s pleased that he should now have his prints.

Neal comes to see Peter who is a hot mess (literally) on the sofa – sick and icky! El is forcing tea and ginger on him along with herbs. Peter asks how he got the cufflink and Neal says PDA. He demonstrates on El and says it’s called proximity manipulation. She thinks he was trying to steal a paperclip but the steals her watch inside. She says he has a gentle touch and Peter is grossed out.

Clinton calls Peter to report that the print on the link is an issue because the person it belongs to isn’t in the system so they can’t verify and Patrick was never printed as a child for any reason. Peter tells him to go back and steal a fork. Neal is horrified at the cliché of the help stealing the silver.

Neal comes home to find Moz in beekeeping gear. Neal notices a lot of buzzing noise and reminds him he said just one hive. Then Moz says some other bees came up orphan so he rescued them. Neal tells him how sick Peter is and Moz is excited to test bee therapy on him.

He mixes up some vials and brings them to Peter to try and tells him the schedule to take them on. Peter tosses the first one back as Neal says he has to get to his butler job. Moz says he’ll stay to observe and Peter is alarmed and asks what’s going to happen. Enigmatically Moz says – let’s see.

Neal waits on the table as William and Patrick have an argument. Neal tries to take his glass and he won’t let him. He does manage to get his plate away from him. A delivery comes from Wolcott’s lawyer and Neal redirects the envelope with the courier to send it to Peter instead to buy some time. The argument William and Patrick were having was over legal documents and you have to assume it was a will change or some such.

El finds Peter in the kitchen looking a bit better and asks where Moz went. He says he had to go check on his queen. Peter drinks vial number two. El says an envelope came and Peter says he can’t open it. She says it has his name on it and she steams it open. Peter says Neal has been a bad influence on him. It’s the paperwork for his trust fund that Patrick would have inherited at 21 – it’s $45 million. Peter worries that Patrick might physically hurt William. She says she’ll tell him herself.

At the Wolcott’s William is angry at El for saying Patrick could be a fraud. El says he shouldn’t have any problem with a blood test. Patrick grabs the syringe off Neal’s tray (that was for his dad’s insulin) and offers it to him. William says he won’t stick a needle in his own son. He does it himself and lays the needle on Neal’s tray but Neal looks at it oddly. There was something very strange about Patrick’s hand motions while he did the blood thing. Hmmm…

Feeling better, Peter heads back into work. Clinton tells him he’s a biohazard. Peter says he’s feeling better and shows him the vial of honey goo. He drinks it down and says he wants to be in on the bust. Neal walks the dog and talks to Peter about the blood test they’re waiting for. Neal says he sealed it up himself but thinks Patrick has a plan when it comes back a mismatch. He takes the dog back to the house.

He finds Bea waiting and she tells him the blood tests are back. William tells them that he has big news and that the welcome home party will be moved up until tomorrow. They hug it out and William tells El he’s firing her. He is angry that she might have scared Patrick off. He tells her he’ll send her a check and she asks Neal what to do. Neal meets her out front and she says he doesn’t have to be a butler anymore.
Patrick comes out and tells her that he tried to stop her dad from firing her. He says he’s going to take the dog for a walk and Neal says he already did. Then he says the dog sounded sick and is taking him to the vet. Neal insists on driving them. Patrick gets out and tells him to wait there and not move the car. He sneaks up on him and sees him in a doctor’s office. He uses a bike mirror to watch around the corner as Patrick has a bulb drawn out of his arm. He had a fake blood bladder in his arm – a fake vein.

Peter says it’s called a Penrose drain. The blood is fresh which means that the real Patrick must have been alive and well and in New York. They realize fake Patrick is holding real Patrick hostage in the city and that after he gets the money, he won’t have any reason to keep him alive!

Clinton says they bring in the vet tech that helped Patrick but they couldn’t find anything. They’re holding the guy so he can’t warn fake Patrick. They also can’t get another DNA test without a court order. They mull over what to do and then realize Patrick messed up with the Picasso info. They realize there are things the imposter doesn’t know and that he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.

They need to come up with a question to ask him that he’ll have to turn to the real Patrick for an answer. Peter says he knows everything. He says fake Patrick goes on a bike round for an hour every morning and they figure out that’s when he’s going to see Patrick for answers (and blood). They set up a radius to track him and come up with a question for him.

Peter will be Leo Covack – an angry Croation that he met in Dusseldorf. They go to get Peter suited up to put Patrick in an uncomfortable situation. Neal brings Peter in and introduces him as Covack. Alone with Patrick he tells him that he tracked him through the news and that the Von Kesslers pay him to take care of his problems and he’s a problem. He says he’s there to make him pay for what he did.

Patrick offers to pay to make it go away. He says they want answers and it won’t go away. Neal comes in and Peter asks for a pen. He writes something down and gives it to Patrick. He says he can call him and they can make Dusseldorf go away or he’ll see him at the party. He leaves. Neal tells him the threat didn’t sound hollow. Patrick says he’s going for a bike ride.

The cops track Patrick. Clinton is riding along behind him. Neal comes out and asks Peter if he can try out his GI BMW. Clinton says he’s been spotted and swaps off with someone else. Neal revs the car engine and loves the purr. The last guy following Patrick gets hit by a car. They hear it and Neal peals out telling Peter – I’m a butler, I’ve been trained for this.

Neal races down the road as Peter calls it in. They are flying along and finally spot Patrick. Neal tells him not to look. They squeal to a stop as they lose sight of him. Clinton joins them and they agree it has to be close by. They bring in some teams and then Neal notices some running water and tells him about the wet travel journal. They head down into an underground storage area. They find Patrick with a tied up real Patrick and he’s ready to taser him.

Fake Patrick stares in shock and Neal tells him he’s not a butler. Peters tells Patrick everything is going to be okay. El waits with Bea and William as the real Patrick finally comes home. Williams tells him eh let himself believe the imposter because he wanted him back so bad. Patrick greets Bea who hugs him and tells him she’s used to being an only child. As Neal walks out of the house, Stanton walks back in and they shake hands.

Peter explains to El that the two Patricks met on Santorini and when the real Patrick was ready to come home, his “friend” volunteered to come home with him. Then he held him hostage and tortured him for the needed information. Peter is all better and makes a move on El who suddenly feels sick. He tells her they can call Moz and she tells him it will be okay so they get busy…


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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