That other reality television talent show, THE VOICE, is down to the final twenty contestants – Team Adam: Will Champlin; James Wolpert; Tessanne Chin; Preston Pohl and Grey.Team Blake: Cole Vosbury; Nic Hawk; Shelbie Z; Austin Jenckes and Ray Boudreaux. Team Christina: Stephanie Anne Johnson; Josh Logan; Matthew Schuler; Jacquie Lee and Olivia Henken. Team Cee Lo: Amber Nicole; Tamara Chauniece; Kat Robichaud, Caroline Pennell and Jonny Gray.
Last night, the final elite twenty took to the stage to sing their hearts out for America. Did you watch the two top 20 performance show? We did and we recapped them here for you. NIGHT 1, NIGHT 2. Let’s see how all the singers did last night before we give you our poll to vote in:
Shelbie Z – everyone felt she made Blake’s team strong. Blake said that she commanded the stage perfectly; he believes she is star material for the country genre and is impressed.
James Wolpert – Adam feels he has one of the greatest voices in the competition. Christina said about his song that she was really impressed, she knew he had incredible vocal range and that with the guitar he sounded great; he really ground himself with the song and the simplification really made it great. [VIDEO HERE]
Nick Hawk – after his song CeeLo said that Nick was one of his favorites, he has so much natural rhythm and really believed it was amazing for him to do all that with the song. [VIDEO HERE]
Ray Boudreau – before he sang Blake predicted it would be the song of the night. Christina loved it, she felt that he was so connected to the song; he was so real and loved the cool blues vibe.
Austin Jenks – Christina loved his song – she said that he sings with so much heart, she got so lost in her notes and really had to watch him on stage; it was absolutely great.
Grey – Adam was pleased with her song and said he was really happy about her taking ownership of the song and brought people into her world.
Will Champlin – before the song Adam said people will be amazed with how good he truly is. Christina said about his song that she loves Will and has a special fondness for him; wishing he was still on it. She felt his singing was so touching and emotional; she loved how he hit that last note.
Preston Pohl – everyone was impressed by Preston’s song and Blake said that he was blown away; the pitch and his passion when performing is just insane. The talent this year is just unbelievable this year; he is just amazed.
Cole Vosbury – Blake said after Cole sang he could win the whole things. Christina said that Cole was so consistent and knew when he takes the stage he’s going to follow through; he can’t believe that he was a single chair turner because of how good he is.
Tessanne Chin – Christina said about her song that the she knows what it feels to cry tears of joy and believes she is amazing and incredible; but she wasn’t surprised knowing from day one she’d be this good.
Amber Nicole – Adam said about her song that she looks beautiful and loves how CeeLo makes his artist go a different route; the only thing that bothered him was the big note which was a little under but in general it was really good. [VIDEO HERE]
Jonny Grey – Adam said about his song – he loves his voice so much and thought that he completely dominated the song; he felt that he was much better near the end and enjoyed his performance a lot. [VIDEO HERE]
Tamara Chauniece – Blake said about her song that it’s amazing how good everyone is; he believes she looks so beautiful and she nailed that song perfectly. [VIDEO HERE]
Kat Robichaud – Christina said about her performance – she appreciates what she did but wanted a little more from her to go higher on the notes; but over all she loved how passionate she was with the song. [VIDEO HERE]
Caroline Pennell – Blake said about her performance – that he doesn’t know what it is but her could be getting an amputation and heard her singing he’d be thinking of cotton candy, she could sing about killing people and skip around in glee. [VIDEO HERE]
Josh Logan – Christina said about his performance – that she is so excited and that he did a great job, she liked how original it was and unique the way he performed it. [VIDEO HERE]
Olivia Henken – Blake said about her performance – he is surprised with how well a country voice sounded on that song; he wishes he could say something bad about it but he can’t even say anything bad. [VIDEO HERE]
Stephanie Anne Johnson – Cee Lo said about her performance – that he has mixed emotions; he’s amazed, jealous and just impressed. He felt it was a whole different version of herself, he really messed up with not having her. [VIDEO HERE]
Matthew Schuler – Blake said about his performance – that Matthew is the man too beat, he is just so impressed with how good he was. [VIDEO HERE]
Jaquie Lee – Christina said about her performance – that at this point she has grown so much and she is just honored to be her coach and see how much more she will grow in this competition. [VIDEO HERE]
Whose performance did you enjoy most? Who do you think will be eliminated tonight? Who is your favorite? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to vote in our official Celeb Dirty Laundry poll below! Remember also to bookmark CDL and check back here for our live The Voice recaps, reviews, news, and spoilers!