Woody Allen’s Alleged Molestation of 7-Year-Old Daughter Dylan Exposed – Vanity Fair

In a Vanity Fair piece Mia Farrow and eight of her fourteen adopted kids speak out and what they had to say was shocking to say the least. For the first time ever Mia admitted that the legendary Frank Sinatra could “possibly” be Ronan Farrow’s real father NOT Woody Allen.

A quick look at Ronan and it is easy to see that he certainly does resemble ol blue eyes Frankie more than quirky looking Woody. He also seems to have an intact moral compass something Woody is missing. Although he is an acclaimed director Woody has a strange past that includes marrying one of Mia’s adopted daughters Soon-Yi, who although he never legally adopted did act as a father too. His explanation, “the heart wants what the heart wants.” Well it seems his heart is pretty sick because his adopted daughter Dylan opened up about the sexual abuse she suffered at his hands. According to Dylan who has since changed her name, “There’s a lot I don’t remember, but what happened in the attic I remember. I remember what I was wearing and what I wasn’t wearing.”

She tells Orth, “The things making me uncomfortable were making me think I was a bad kid, because I didn’t want to do what my elder told me to do.” The attic, she says, pushed her over the edge. “I was cracking. I had to say something. I was seven. I was doing it because I was scared. I wanted it to stop.” For all she knew, she tells Orth, “this was how fathers treated their daughters. This was normal interaction, and I was not normal for feeling uncomfortable about it.

Dylan refuses to even say Woody’s name and remains afraid of even his image. For his part Woody continues to deny these allegations, but seeing as he married a girl he helped to raise it doesn’t seem farfetched so I am team Dylan on this one. You may have had a successful career Woody but it seems you are a sick sick man.

Julie Zelko:
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