19 Kids and Counting Recap 10/28/14: Season 9 Episode 12 “Jill’s Wedding”

Tonight on TLC 19 Kids and Counting starring the Duggar Family continues with an all new Tuesday October 28, season 9 episode 12 called, “Jill’s Wedding.” On tonight’s episode Jill and Derick’s wedding day arrives thanks to all the help from hundreds of volunteers, who will come in handy when the bride’s request for root beer floats is in jeopardy due to a freezer malfunction.

On the last episode, Jill Duggar was about to become Jill Dillard! We got to see her very special bridal shower, where she spent time with the mamas and babies she’s met through her work as a midwife. Could the next shower for Jill be a baby shower? Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode the big day is finally here… Jill & Derick are getting married! With hundreds of volunteers to help with everything from decorating to finishing the cake, they’re aiming for this super-sized wedding to go off without a hitch.

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with the usual Duggar Family drama and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about The Duggar Family being back for another season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Jill and Derick’s wedding is coming up after three months of being engaged. With 25 hours left before the event, volunteers and wedding coordinators are scrambling to complete all the work that needs to be done. The theme of the wedding is “vintage shabby chic,” Jill says.

On Easter, Derick’s mom announced that she had been diagnosed with cancer. Due to her health problems, she is not able to come to the wedding rehearsal. A week ago, her condition worsened and she had to be flown to another hospital. Derick is a little uneasy that she may not be able to come to the wedding, but he wants the best for her.

Because the wedding is an afternoon wedding, root beer floats and snacks will be served at the reception. The family is trying to save money knowing that they have many more weddings to come in the future, so they have plenty of volunteers helping.

Jill says she and Derick want as many children as God will permit them to have.

“I think I have the hardest job in the wedding,” Jim Bob says. “And that’s to give my daughter away.  However, he is happy he gets to announce “you may kiss the bride.”

Jill and Derick haven’t even practiced their first kiss because they want to truly save this event for one another.

All of the ice cream for the floats gets melted after the freezer door is left open for twenty minutes. No one tells Jill because they don’t want to cause any stress.

The rehearsal dinner is emotional because of Derick’s mother not being able to come and the health problems she’s having.
‘I was sad that my mom couldn’t be at the rehearsal dinner, but at the same time I wanted her to keep her strength and save her health for the actual wedding day because I want her to be as healthy as she can for the actual wedding ceremony,’ Derick says.  He leads a prayer for her at the dinner.

The day of the wedding has come.

Jill says she decided to spend the day with Derick before the wedding because she didn’t want to spend that whole day without the person she cared about the most, and having him there will make him less nervous.

Derick and Jill are still hoping that his mother can be released from the hospital to make it to the wedding despite not being able to come to the rehearsal.

All 3,000 root beer floats will have to be quickly replaced in the six hours before the reception.  Other things that will be served at the reception include 1,000 cookies and 1,500 cupcakes.

‘We’ve saved our first kiss for today because the physical side of our marriage is something we can add later and just want to get to know eachother on a level beyond the physical,’ Derick says.

The couple calls Derick’s mother to see how she’s feeling today and if she can come to the wedding. She is able to come. “When I found out my mom could come to the wedding, I was elated,” Derick says.

Derick comes back to the bridal suite and Jill shaves his face for him.

Jill and Derick are still going to do a first look so Derick seeing Jill in her wedding dress will still be an important moment for them.

Jim Bob is stunned when he first sees Jill in her dress, calling her ‘the most beautiful bride ever.’ “I never dreamed that when Michelle and I got married 30 years ago, we’d have more than one or two children,” Jim Bob says, reflecting on the fact that he is now about to give away his fourth daughter, the first one to get married.

Jill is impatient as soon as she gets her dress on and goes for the first look right away. Derick is obviously impressed by how she looks. “I’ve never seen you so gorgeous. Amazing,” he says. “I love you.” “You look so handsome,” Jill tells him.

They get wedding photos taken.

“I think we’ll enjoy the ceremony, but we’ll also enjoy driving away,” Jill says, winking. Derick says he’s most excited about marrying his best friend and not worrying about all of the other stuff going on right now.

Outside the sanctuary, Jill and Derick meet up with Derick’s mom. She is in a separate room because her weakened immune system makes it so she can’t be around other people. She is in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank. Derick says it was important for his mother to be there, just as it is important for a woman’s father to be there at her wedding.

Jim Bob takes a photo of the couple in the same spot he and Michelle were 30 years ago before they got married.

“This is it. Jill’s going to be Jill Dillard from now on. I’m giving her away,” Jim Bob says, adding that it’s a special moment but also somewhat sad.

Jim Bob walks Jill down the aisle as a pianist plays and hundreds of people watch on. Derick looks lovingly at her as he waits up on the stage.

Jill and Derick say their vows and kiss.

“When we finally got to say ‘I do,’ it’s still surreal for me,” Jill says. “It seems real, but at the same time it’s like, ‘this is everything I’ve dreamed of, and it’s happening right now.’”

Derick says his favorite part of the wedding was when they were offiicially Derick and Jill Dillard.

Derick carries Jill out to the reception and everyone applauds. Derick and Jill give a short speech thanking everyone for supporting them and their marriage. After they cut the cake, the famous root beer floats appear, having been successfully redone.

‘Jill brings a bright ray of sunshine into our family, so it’s going to be different without her in the house,’ Michelle says.
Jim Bob says that although it seems they wouldn’t feel much of a difference with one child gone, it’s very noticeable.

“Overall our wedding was awesome,” Derick says. “It went better than expected,” Jill says. “I was a stress-free bride. It was amazing.”


Victoria Laza:
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