Alex Preston American Idol “Story of My Life” Video 5/14/14 #IdolTop3

Alex Preston sang, “Story Of My Life” by One Direction this week for his Hometown Picks song choice.  This week each of the three finalists sang three songs for the performance show – one selected by their hometowns, the Judges, and Randy.

Did you see Alex’s Judges pick or Randy’s pick? If you missed either of themwe have the videos, right here. The Top 3 will really have to bring their A game tonight to stay around for another week, we expect a higher level of performances as the contestant pool diminishes as we head towards finale next week.  Did you watch tonight’s performance show? Just in case you missed tonight’s show we have you covered and you can read our full and detailed recap here!

On last week’s episode Alex sang Say Something” by Great Big World. and Harry had this to say about his rendition saying, I think you might be surprised by how much those little things help you in the long run.  Every one of you is a completely different performer, but you probably move more than the other remaining competitors.  I think that’s huge, and you use the stage.  That glow stick thing, it may be silly, but that’s memorable.  We all know you all sing great, watching you do the other stuff is really fun and it feels like a performance.”

On the next live results show airing Thursday, one contestant will be sent home.  We will find out who hit the right emotional chord and makes it through to the Top Two and the finale.

Check out the video below and let us know what you thought of Alex Preston’s performance? Was it enough for him to move on to next week’s finale? Did you miss any of the other artist’s performances? If you did, you can see them all HERE! Sound out in the comments below and let us know your thoughts were of tonight’s Idol Top 3, Performances.

Heather DiPietro:
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