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American Heart Association and Go Red For Women Release Informative, Adorable Call-to-Action Video – Join the #GoRed Movement Today! (VIDEO)

Thanks to everyone out there who helped raise awareness in the fight against heart disease in women. On February 7th, America went red to show their support and worked hard to combat this disease, the #1 killer among women, through activism via social media. If you participated in this #GoRed campaign by turning your social media profiles red, then we want you to know that you did your part — and you did it beautifully. Only through awareness and the proliferation of knowledge will individuals recognize the devastation of this disease and the necessary measures needed to combat it.

The last piece of #GoRed media we’d like to share with you is a great video, which you can watch below, that features a powerful message coupled with adorable animations that’ll make your heart go Awww. We’d like to invite you to join the #GoRed movement — to help save our loved ones — by sharing this video on your social media accounts. If you don’t know what to say, no worries! We’ve included some great nuggets below (along with the video link) that can be copy-and-pasted straight from our blog onto your social accounts. The ball’s in your court now. How will you react to this call-to-action?

• The heart… it’s more powerful than you think. Take care. Join the movement http://bit.ly/1iz7ylh #GoRed

• All women should reach their 2.5 billion heartbeats.Raise your voice and save a life.Share this video and #GoRed http://bit.ly/1iz7ylh

• It’s more than just an organ. Listen to your heart and join me in sharing this powerful video! http://bit.ly/1iz7ylh #GoRed

• The moments that define us…http://bit.ly/1iz7ylh #GoRed

• Don’t be silent. Pass it on as if your life depends on it…because right now, someone’s does. http://bit.ly/1iz7ylh #GoRed

• Heart disease is no match for the power of women’s voices. Raise yours and save a life. Share this. http://bit.ly/1iz7ylh #GoRed

Fashion photo credit to Matthew Long / Taken during NYC Fashion Week

Nicholas Sanford:
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