Angelina Jolie Is A ‘Minimally Talented Spoiled Brat’ Says Producer Scott Rudin in Leaked Sony Emails

Angelina Jolie is a minimally talented spoiled brat with a huge ego – tell us something we didn’t know! Sony is at Defcon levels today after the all the hacks and the leaks, but nothing has caused a bigger furor than the leaked emails between Scott Rudin and Amy Pascal. For those of you who aren’t familiar with those names, Scott Rudin is a big-name producer behind films like The Social Network and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, and Amy Pascal is the head of Sony Studios.

The very, very long email chain [read the full thing at Gawker] between them shows how a very long, fruitful, and successful relationship filled with history and success can be derailed in just a months – and all over Angelina Jolie. Yikes. To summarize, Scott Rudin was behind the much-buzzed about Steve Jobs biopic that was initially going to be made at Sony, but ended up landing at Universal after shit went down at Sony. And now, we know exactly what shit went down, because it’s all written [pretty explicitly] in those emails.

The whole situation started when Scott wanted David Fincher for the Steve Jobs biopic, and he was attached for a hot second, along with Christian Bale. However, Angelina Jolie has been very keen to get her $150 million+ Cleopatra biopic off the ground, even though the script apparently wasn’t ready or even in filming shape. Scott expresses his concerns to Amy Pascal in the email, and then accuses her of being emotionally manipulated by Angelina Jolie into sticking with a film that she doesn’t believe in. His exact words are, “YOU BETTER SHUT ANGIE DOWN BEFORE SHE MAKES IT VERY HARD FOR DAVID TO DO JOBS.”

Other notable quotes are, “There is no movie to be made (and how that is a bad thing given the insanity and rampaging spoiled ego of this woman and the cost of the movie is beyond me) and if you won’t tell her that you do not like the script…”

And… “I’m not destroying my career over a minimally talented spoiled brat who thought nothing of shoving this off her plate for eighteen months so she could go direct a movie. I have no desire to be making a movie with her, or anybody, that she runs and that we don’t. She’s a camp event and a celebrity and that’s all and the last thing anybody needs is to make a giant bomb with her that any fool could see coming. We will end up being the laughing stock of our industry and we will deserve it, which is so clearly where this is headed that I cannot believe we are still wasting our time with it…”

Oh my word. Like I said, things are defcon levels at Sony, and really, all of Hollywood. SAG nominations? What SAG nominations? This trumps everything, especially since there are SUCH big names involved. Trust me, Scott Rudin, Amy Pascal, and Angelina Jolie are three of the most powerful people in Hollywood, and this has them all within each others crosshairs. Angelina Jolie is never going to forgive Scott Rudin for bitching about her behind her back, and Scott will probably never forgive Amy for derailing the Steve Jobs biopic at Sony.

Yellow J:
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