Apollo Nida Reconciles With Phaedra Parks: Prison Interview for Real Housewives of Atlanta Felon

Apollo Nida Reconciles With Phaedra Parks: Prison Interview for Real Housewives of Atlanta FelonApollo Nida Reconciles With Phaedra Parks: Prison Interview for Real Housewives of Atlanta Felon

Apollo Nida is currently serving an eight-year prison sentence for identity theft and fraud [the new wave reality stars = all fraudsters], and he gave his first post-incarceration interview to In Touch Weekly.

He claims that his wife, Phaedra Parks, hasn’t given up on him quite yet, explaining, “Yes, we’ve had problems — especially over the last year — but we’ve gotten on terms now where I can call her and it’s cordial. I’m hopeful that we can stick things out.”

Maybe he should tell his wife this? Phaedra Parks claims that she’s still divorcing Apollo Nida, so either she’s delusional or he’s delusional. Considering the fact that he’s in prison, I’m going to go with him being in denial.

For what it’s worth, Apollo did make an apology, albeit to In Touch Weekly. He explained that he had made a lot of mistakes and let a lot of people down, adding, “I know for a fact that when I get home, I will pick up the pieces.”

Uh-huh. Again, maybe he should try talking to his wife before he talks to a tabloid? Or maybe this is his last-resort attempt to save his marriage and keep his family together? Apollo probably figured that since Phaedra wasn’t talking to him, he would use whatever means were at his disposal to get her to listen to him. And he might have thought that by expressing his reconciliation attempts in a national interview, it would keep Phaedra Parks from leaving him. Unfortunately for him, Phaedra’s rep has already confirmed that the Apollo Nida and Phaedra Parks divorce is still going through. But nice try, Apollo. Maybe next time.

What do you guys think? Will Phaedra Parks forgive Apollo Nida for his illegal activities and abandonment of his family? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image credit to FameFlynet

Siyana Riley:
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