The Bachelor 18 Episode 6 Spoilers: Who Gets Eliminated by Juan Pablo

Last night on Episode 5 of The Bachelor Juan Pablo sent home three contestants at the Rose Ceremony, which means he is down to a mere eight bachelorettes. Next week on Episode 6 of The Bachelor, Juan Pablo and the remaining eight women travel to Lake Taupo, New Zealand. While in New Zealand Juan Pablo will send home two more or the bachelorettes, and when they leave there will only six women left in the running for Juan Pablo.

According to Reality Steve the first woman to be sent home in New Zealand, leaves in an untraditional matter. Cassandra Ferguson confided in Juan Pablo at the beginning of the season that she had a two year old son at home, and she missed him very much. Juan Pablo promised her that as soon as he decided whether or not they had a connection, he would let her know, so that she could get home to her baby. It looks like Juan Pablo will make good on that promise while he and the bachelorettes are in New Zealand. On Cassandra’s birthday she will head out on a group date with Juan Pablo and some of the other women. Rumor has it Juan Pablo pulls her aside before the date is even over, and tells her he just isn’t that into her, and sends her home. Happy Birthday Cassandra, I don’t like you like that!

Since Cassandra goes home before the Rose Ceremony in New Zealand, Juan Pablo will only have to eliminate one more girl in New Zealand. The night of the Rose Ceremony Juan Pablo hands out roses to every woman, except for Kat Hurd. Kat’s time on The Bachelor will come to an end in New Zealand. In the beginning of Season 18 of The Bachelor Kat and Juan Pablo seemed to have an instant connection, she joined him on a 1-on-1 date for an Electric Run. However, as the season progressed Juan Pablo appeared to put Kat on the backburner and spend less and less time with her, so it isn’t much of a surprise that she will be going home in Episode 6.

Do you think Reality Steve’s spoilers are correct and Cassandra and Kat will be the next women Juan Pablo sends home on The Bachelor? Let us know who you think should go home in the comments section below.

Amanda Austin:
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